Tagged “the Kirk”

Video: “I’ve always wanted to ask Doug Wilson . . . How should a church handle repentant sex offenders?”

Doug Dissembles

“I’m not authorized to offer the safety of the little kids in the church to someone who is not being supervised carefully enough. . . . So I can’t — I can give — we can give in the church — and must give — but only to the extent that we’re not stealing from somebody else, in order to subsidize it.” — Douglas Wilson Continue reading

Tuesday, October 11, 2016 |

One Example of How Nepotism Corrupts

Kim Jong-un

“I pledge to conduct myself in such a way that no one could ever question my loyalty to the peace and purity of Christ Church. This includes refusing to speak to any unauthorized person about grievances I might have, and includes refusing to hear any such criticisms as well. If commitment to this standard in any way compromises my conscience, then I understand that my resignation will be accepted, without notice, and without prejudice.” — Christ Church Commitment to Loyalty Continue reading

Thursday, October 6, 2016 |

Welcome to Everyone Coming in via Google

From Colville, Washington, to Bristol, Virginia.

Please take a moment to watch this video of Pastor Douglas Wilson officiating the marriage ceremony of a serial pedophile named Steven Sitler to a graduate of New St. Andrews College. Mr. Wilson presided over the wedding in 2011, apparently . . . Continue reading

Monday, October 3, 2016 |

Repentance in La-La Land

For some people certain consequences necessarily do not remain

Welcome to La La Land

“So when a convicted sex offender is brought into fellowship with the rest of the congregation, it must be done in such a way that no parent has any reasonable cause to be worried about what could happen.” — Douglas Wilson Continue reading

Tuesday, August 23, 2016 |