Tagged “Pastor Doug Wilson of Christ Church in Moscow”

“The first time the dishes are not done, he must sit down with his wife. . . . he should at some point call the elders of the church. . .”

The first time the dishes are not done, he must sit down with his wife immediately and gently remind her that this is something which has to be done. At no time may he lose his temper, badger her, call her names, etc. He must constantly remember and confess that she is not the problem, he is. By bringing this gently to her attention, he is not to be primarily pointing to her need to repent; rather, he is exhibiting the fruit of his repentance.

He does this, without rancor and without an accusative spirit, until she complies or rebels. If she complies, he must move up one step, now requiring that another of her duties be done. If she continues to rebel after patient effort, he should at some point call the elders of the church and ask them for a pastoral visit. When the government of the home has failed to such an extent and a godly and consistent attempt by the husband to restore the situation has broken down, then the involvement of the elders is fully appropriate.
Douglas Wilson

Top Ten Posts of 2017

Top Ten List

If these entries were all you knew about the man, you’d have enough to see the malignant narcissist who exploits the Christian gospel to advance his personal interests and simultaneously harm others. Continue reading

Sunday, December 31, 2017 |

Crime Pays in the CREC

Business as Usual

Crime Pays

So much for “vetting ministerial candidates . . . intense accountability . . . extensive reference requirements, and criminal background checks.” Continue reading

Friday, December 29, 2017 |

“we have access to the love letters/journals that you wrote”

And last, we have access to the love letters/journals that you wrote that the court reviewed and then sealed. . . . As result of a plea bargain, a jury trial for Jamin was avoided, along with a lot of embarrassment for everybody. Part of that agreement meant burying the story, along with a bunch of the evidence. The reason I have been so concerned about your public airing of your perspective on it is that it is not really possible to dig up just half the story. The rest of it is going to want to come up too. One of the official court documents says about some of the sealed evidence, that ‘those documents contain highly intimate and potentially embarrassing facts or statements, the publication of which would be highly objectionable to reasonable persons’ (5/10/06).
Douglas Wilson