Tagged “Randy Booth”

Crime Pays in the CREC

Business as Usual

Crime Pays

So much for “vetting ministerial candidates . . . intense accountability . . . extensive reference requirements, and criminal background checks.” Continue reading

Friday, December 29, 2017 |

“we will prayerfully consider whatever they have to say”

Uh, in the middle of this controversy, the session of Christ Church invited the presiding ministers of the CREC — there are seven presbyteries in the CREC, I’m the presiding minister of the whole CREC, Randy Booth in Nacogdoches, Texas, is the pro tem presiding minister — um, our session invited the presiding ministers of the CREC to come in and conduct a review of our counseling of sexual abuse cases, etc., not excluding these two cases. So, um, a couple of weeks ago, ten days ago, we shipped to all the separate presiding ministers and to Randy a notebook, um, a Sitler notebook and a Greenfield–Wight notebook full of court documents, counseling records, etc., uh, they’ve got those, uh. Two of the committee members are going to be in town here in Moscow next week, to interview people involved, to interview the session, to conduct a thorough review. So we’re in the middle of that and I’ve recused — since I’m the presiding minister and pastor of Christ Church I’ve recused myself from that process. Randy Booth is the chairman of that committee. That review is going on as we speak and we hope to have a report, a report — recommendations — back from them by the end of the year. So one of the things you can say to friends is, ‘A review’s in process, and we will prayerfully consider whatever they have to say. And we have given them carte blanche to everything we have.’
Douglas Wilson (216)

“my good friend, Randy Booth”

See the work of my good friend, Randy Booth, Children of the Promise (Phillipsburg: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1995). Randy and I got to know each other by phone as we fell down the paedo staircase together, hitting our heads on every step.
Douglas Wilson

“Randy Booth . . . plagiarized material . . . multiple instances . . . a number of different sources . . . negligence . . . editorial incompetence . . . gross breach of contract . . .”

“Canon Press has investigated the charges of plagiarism and improper citation in A Justice Primer, and it is abundantly clear that the editor and co-author, Randy Booth, plagiarized material in multiple instances from a number of different sources. Such negligence and editorial incompetence is a gross breach of contract and obviously does not meet Canon Press’s publishing standards. As such, we have discontinued the book, effective immediately. Refer to the author statements below for more information. We would like to specifically thank Rachel Miller for bringing this to our attention so we could take the necessary steps to immediately correct such a serious error.”

Friday, November 25, 2016 |

Repost: Randy Booth on Child Abuse & Bullying

“Child abuse and neglect comes in many forms: physical, sexual and emotional. It also ranges in degree, duration and affect. Most of us feel great sympathy and empathy for any child who is subject to any type of abuse or neglect as well as disgust and outrage toward those who commit such acts against innocent children. These defenseless and helpless little ones need to be rescued and loved.”
Randy Booth

“Bullying is a cheap substitute for genuine authority. Real authority comes by acknowledging accountability to others, while the bully is reduced to self-authorization. Therefore, the bully’s harsh tyranny of the weak becomes his only way to bolster this fragile pretension.”
Randy Booth

Randy Booth
Tuesday, November 22, 2016 |