
“the people pretending to be outraged are liars”

Yes, someone might say. But still. Why you have to use phrases like ‘lumberjack dykes’? It is provocative. Yes, it most certainly is. But the people pretending to be outraged are liars. I put certain things out there as bait, because I know they will take it, and when they take it I have yet another glorious opportunity to not care about their faux-outrage. Look. We just had one of the largest political demonstrations in American history, which consisted of tens of thousands of women in vagina hats. Christians who are concerned about the kind of provocative discourse you can read here — and their anxiety is not faux-anxiety because they have been conditioned too well — need to recognize that they are not living in the world that they think they are living in.
Douglas Wilson

“it is beyond exasperating to be locked in a rape fantasy with some Caspar Milquetoast”

Male authority is an erotic necessity. In order to make love, a man must be hard and the woman soft. This is not just a physiological detail, but a metaphor for their whole relationship. Feminists, having demanded soft men, have discovered that it is beyond exasperating to be locked in a rape fantasy with some Caspar Milquetoast. Ravish me! she pleads with her eyes. Let’s go down to the aquarium, he says, and look at the endangered species exhibit. If you are going to go for soft, then another woman makes better sense. Lesbianism, it turns out, has an internal logic.
Douglas Wilson

“trying to make it through the homily of the most theologically-minded dyke in the diocese”

Like termites need wood, so also unbelief needs the structures of faith that a living faith once built. They can’t get at the wood when it is still alive and growing, but once the living truth has gone through the sawmill of accreditation and become a standardized two by four of truth — watch out. A brief review will make the point — just imagine Fuller sitting in on a few classes at Fuller Seminary, Carl Henry dropping in at CT after reading the three most recent issues, or Thomas Cranmer trying to make it through the homily of the most theologically-minded dyke in the diocese. The word ‘scene’ comes to mind.
Douglas Wilson

“the new bishop is a lesbian dyke from Ecuador”

Once you understand that this is their foundational tactic, you will also understand how homosexual marriage has been mainstreamed, how creationists get themselves exiled to Dogpatch Bible College, how women wound up deployed in the Sixth Fleet, why the nation is deep in trillodebt, and how it is that the new bishop is a lesbian dyke from Ecuador. The only arena where the leftists have not executed this strategy effectively has been with the pro-life issue. They have had legal successes in that area, obviously, but they have not been able to pull off the cultural ‘you are hurting my feelings’ schtick. But virtually everywhere else they do it, it works like a charm. Tender-hearted Christians fall for it repeatedly, like a trout rising on cue whenever the devil goes fly fishing.
Douglas Wilson

“behaving like an ecclesiastical dyke”

Now Wright wants to say that these things do not compare. He says that homosexual behavior is a violation of ‘traditional ethics,’ which is quite true. It is. And he also wants to say that behaving as a woman is not a violation of traditional ethics. Feminine behavior and homosexual behavior are not the same kind of thing. Right again. But this sidesteps the question neatly, because putting on a bishop’s mitre is not behaving like a woman. It is behaving like an ecclesiastical dyke.
Douglas Wilson

“Unbelieving women”

Unbelieving women either compete for the attention of men through outlandish messages that communicate some variation of ‘easy lay,’ or in the grip of resentment they give up the endeavor entirely, which is how we get lumberjack dykes. The former is an avid reader of Cosmopolitan and thinks she knows 15K ways to please a man in bed. The latter is just plain surly about the fact that there even are any men.
Douglas Wilson