A Corruption of Justice Primer

Bearing Witness to the Truth

A Corruption of Justice Primer

Yesterday, on November 27, 2015, Pastor Douglas Wilson of Christ Church, Moscow, posted a rationalization for his abusive ad hominem attacks against former kirkers and their family members. He called it Justice and the Ad Hominem and in it he . . . Continue reading

Saturday, November 28, 2015 |

“The Sin of Threatening”

The Sin of Threatening

Topic: Hamartiology

The word apeileo means to threaten, and is used twice in the New Testament. In both instances it is cited as a sinful kind of behavior. When the Jewish leaders were trying to shut down the apostles early in the book of Acts, one of the means they tried was that of threats. ‘But that it spread no further among the people, let us straitly threaten them, that they speak henceforth to no man in this name’ (Acts 4:17). And Jesus, when He was being abused by the religious authorities, refused to respond to them in kind. ‘For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps: Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth: Who, when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not; but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously’ (1 Pet. 2:21–23).
Douglas Wilson

“Bad Men With Shovels”

Bad Men With Shovels

‘Does Moses prevail too much in the hearts of the people? Something must be found against him. If we can find nothing against him, yet we will find something against his wife . . . But now we are resolved to pick out whatever we can get information of, though it is about things done many years ago, when they were in the university, when they lived in such or such places in times of old. If it will serve our turn, we may fasten it upon them. Proverbs 16:27: “An ungodly man diggeth up evil, and in his lips there is a burning fire.” If he has nothing above ground, he will dig something up, though it is what, both by God and man, has been buried long since’ (Burroughs, Irenicum, p. 243).
Douglas Wilson

On “digging up evil”

A Corruption of Justice Primer

digging up evil

“My prayer for Natalie really is that she might find peace and true healing, and find it soon.” — Douglas Wilson Continue reading

Wednesday, November 25, 2015 |

Theater of the Absurd

A Corruption of Justice Primer

“CREC PASTOR” fits him just fine. The CREC trained him. The CREC defended him. The CREC protects those who protected him. The CREC should own him. Continue reading

Friday, November 20, 2015 |

On Randy Booth

A Corruption of Justice Primer

Randy Booth

“For multiple reasons, certain ethical standards which used to be taken for granted in the Christian world are no longer. Recent years have seen a terrible erosion in our ability to distinguish good from evil; in certain frightening ways, the ethical competence of the Christian world is frankly disintegrating. In some places, the standards have simply collapsed.” — Douglas Wilson Continue reading

Wednesday, November 18, 2015 |

On A Conflict of Interest

A Corruption of Justice Primer

A Corruption of Justice Primer

If Doug Wilson had to recuse himself, then why doesn’t Randy Booth have to recuse himself? After all, they are business partners. Continue reading

Thursday, November 12, 2015 |

On How Not To Conduct an Inquiry

A Corruption of Justice Primer


The CREC ignores a man in its jurisdiction over whom it exercises constitutional authority — Doug Wilson. The CREC ignores its moral and constitutional obligation to prosecute him for his crimes. And the CREC concerns itself with someone outside its jurisdiction — Natalie — asking her how an unrepentant Doug Wilson can make restitution to her, which is not how to conduct an inquiry. Continue reading

Tuesday, November 10, 2015 |