Tagged “victims”

Why the Oath: A Post Without Answers

Justice gagged, Death Wilson

Doug Wilson put a man under oath despite claiming he did not have lawful jurisdiction. And after hearing the perpetrator swear he committed multiple felonies, Doug Wilson did not report the criminal to the proper jurisdictional authority. Continue reading

Saturday, January 7, 2017 |

“If a trusted spiritual leader starts abusing a girl when she is 14”

At the same time, of course, we should make allowances for those situations where an abused girl was never given the opportunity to become a responsible adult. If a trusted spiritual leader starts abusing a girl when she is 14, it is not as though, after 7 years of abuse, a magic moment happens when she turns 21, making it easy for her to now walk away. In a situation like that, the word victim is appropriate. But we ought to reserve the word for situations like it, and not use it in circumstances like this one.
Douglas Wilson

Video: “I’ve always wanted to ask Doug Wilson . . . How should a church handle repentant sex offenders?”

Doug Dissembles

“I’m not authorized to offer the safety of the little kids in the church to someone who is not being supervised carefully enough. . . . So I can’t — I can give — we can give in the church — and must give — but only to the extent that we’re not stealing from somebody else, in order to subsidize it.” — Douglas Wilson Continue reading

Tuesday, October 11, 2016 |

Welcome to Everyone Coming in via Google

From Colville, Washington, to Bristol, Virginia.

Please take a moment to watch this video of Pastor Douglas Wilson officiating the marriage ceremony of a serial pedophile named Steven Sitler to a graduate of New St. Andrews College. Mr. Wilson presided over the wedding in 2011, apparently . . . Continue reading

Monday, October 3, 2016 |

Funnier than the #Wordsmithy

Doesn’t lie either

Tuesday, September 20, 2016 |