Taking responsibility in either sense needs to result in something concrete, and in my case it means that I will not be co-authoring any books like this anymore. I will not be putting myself in this position again.
Douglas Wilson
Tagged “dougwils.com”
“I gave my sections to Randy for editing & blending”
I mentioned that I needed to state a few specifics. One of them is that after I gave my sections to Randy for editing and blending, I did not do anything more. I looked at the manuscript when it came in, but did not read through the whole book, left to right. I do not know that doing so would have changed anything, but it could have. This is an example of practical responsibility.
Douglas Wilson
Amazon.com & Plagiarism Eruptions
A Corruption of Justice Primer
A comparison. Continue reading
“I want to take full responsibility for having my name on the cover of a book containing plagiarized sections”
Consequently, I want to take full responsibility for having my name on the cover of a book containing plagiarized sections, and where the contributions from the authors were undifferentiated. In such circumstances, when plagiarism is detected, the one who finds it has every right to look at the cover and decide right on the spot who is responsible. The names on the cover are the ones with the authorial responsibility, which is the primary responsibility according to contract, and the editorial imprint is the one with the publisher’s responsibility, also specified by contract. Further investigation might reveal where particular culpability lies, but the responsibility for the project flows (according to God’s design) to the names on the cover.
Douglas Wilson
On Apologies, Damages, and the Principal of Justice
A Corruption of Justice Primer
The cost of doing business with Doug Wilson. Continue reading
The Indemnity Clause
Or else he wrote it for them
“Doug Wilson’s only fault was that he trusted his friend to be responsible and careful.” — Steve Wilkins “As best I can tell, all the problems are mine and not Doug’s.” — Randy Booth
“Are vibrators robots?”
- Are we going to be allowed to marry robots?
- Are vibrators robots?
“Smash the Complementarity”
So feminism — smash the patriarchy feminism — wants us to be ruled by harridans, termagants, harpies and crones. That sets the tone, and the pestering is then made complete by small-breasted biddies who want to make sure nobody is using too much hot water in the shower, and that we are all getting plenty of fiber. And if anyone reads these words and believes that I am attacking all women by them, that would provide great example of why we should not entrust our cultural future to people who can’t read.
Douglas Wilson
“principalities & powers”
You see the strategy. Minimize the seriousness of this, but not so that you can feel good about indulging yourself. Minimize the seriousness of it so that you can walk away from a couple of big boobs without feeling like you have just fought a cosmic battle with principalities and powers in the heavenly places, for crying out loud. Or, if you like, in another strategy of seeing things rightly, you could nickname these breasts of other woman as the ‘principalities and powers.’ Whatever you do, take this part of life in stride like a grown-up. Stop reacting like a horny and conflicted twelve-year-old boy.
Douglas Wilson
Lots of new readers — Welcome to the website
What do you get when you cross a red herring with an abusive ad hominem? — A red piranha. Continue reading
The Impotent CREC Review Committee
A Corruption of Justice Primer
“It is important to note that this committee does not have authority over individual pastors or elders.” — Randy Booth Continue reading
On Art: “The Sunday Funnies”
A Corruption of Justice Primer
“The Sunday Funnies: Tom receives the call to youth ministry.” Continue reading
Bearing Witness to the Truth
A Corruption of Justice Primer
Yesterday, on November 27, 2015, Pastor Douglas Wilson of Christ Church, Moscow, posted a rationalization for his abusive ad hominem attacks against former kirkers and their family members. He called it Justice and the Ad Hominem and in it he . . . Continue reading