Like a Seed
‘Every culture has a religious center, and every religion, like a seed, given water, sunlight, and nutrients, grows up into a particular plant’ (Writers to Read, p. 62).
Douglas Wilson
Tagged “Douglas Wilson”
“No Perv Left Behind Act”
So let us start with where the world wants to go — which can readily be ascertained by looking at where the world is in fact going. Just within the last week, Washington State instituted their new ‘No Perv Left Behind Act,’ which allows any male student who self-identifies as a creep to use the girls’ locker room at the neighborhood government junior high school near you — in order to get a better view when ogling your daughter. And our heart really should go out to that poor girl. She has quite a hard go of it — she has a creep for a stalker/suitor, mountain orcs for civil magistrates, and idiots for parents.
Douglas Wilson
The Shubin Report: Doug Wilson and the Attorneys
Part II: Steven Sitler’s criminal defense attorney
Pastor Douglas Wilson of Christ Church, Moscow, is the Presiding Minister of the Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches.
The Timing of Steven Sitler’s “Woman in a Bikini” Incident
Within days of Judge Stegner reinstating Katie Sitler as a chaperone, Steven Sitler admitted that he stalked another woman after he “could not stop thinking about her. . . continued thinking about her and hoped to meet her.” Continue reading
On the Edge of the Law
Steven Sitler has discovered a wormhole in the terms of his probation that allows him to sneak around town without breaking any specific written rule. Continue reading
“Liars are usually clever — you have to give them that.”
Liars are usually clever — you have to give them that. And one of the things the really smart ones know how to do is to use the last lie you caught them in as a basis for getting you to believe the lie they are currently telling. Douglas Wilson
The Shubin Report: Doug Wilson and the Attorneys
Part I: Jamin Wight’s (first) criminal defense attorney
“I said that I had access to them because Jamin’s attorney has copies, and I thought the review committee might ask to see them.” —Douglas Wilson Continue reading
The Wilson Brand
Three’s a pattern. Continue reading
“When we begin to lie, we are the first liar”
When we begin to lie, we are the first liar, but we are also frequently the first dupe. We don’t start by telling other people lies. We begin by telling ourselves that we are not lying — which is the first lie.
Douglas Wilson
Douglas Wilson: “Steven will accept full civil responsibility for his actions”
When “full” means “partial.” Continue reading
“You shall not circulate a false report. Do not put your hand with the wicked to be an unrighteous witness”
God does not only prohibit the invention of such lies, He prohibits us from circulating them. ‘You shall not circulate a false report. Do not put your hand with the wicked to be an unrighteous witness’ (Ex. 23:1). As Thomas Watson put it, very bluntly, it makes little difference if we carry the devil around in our mouth or in our ear.
Douglas Wilson
The Shubin Report: Doug Wilson Claims that Sitler “Contacted” Law Enforcement to “Cooperate Fully” — But They Refused
“Steven contacted the authorities here and said he was going to cooperate fully, and did he need to come down? They said no.” —Douglas Wilson Continue reading
The Shubin Report: “Steven was never arrested”
Falsified Elders’ Minutes
“In the real world, where all this actually happened” Continue reading