Tagged “Douglas Wilson”

The man without a verse: “Don’t I need a verse or something?”

featured millstone

“Such a man is held responsible in a striking way. If he scandalizes ‘one of these little ones,’ it would be better for him to have a millstone tied around his neck and be thrown into the sea. In other words, what is actually going to happen to him is going to be a whole lot worse than that.”
— Douglas Wilson Continue reading

Wednesday, October 19, 2016 |

“Bearing false witness is therefore civil war — warfare against one’s neighbor, one’s brother”

This commandment strikes at the heart of falsehood and lies, which in their turn are the native language of the devil. Without truth and trust, biblical culture is an impossibility. “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor” (Ex. 20:16).

First, what is the context of false witness? The commandment prohibits lying against one’s neighbor. Paul tells the Colossians not to lie to one another, because they had put off the old man with his deeds (3:9). Trust is essential to all community, and false witness makes trust impossible. False witness can exist in such a society, but if it is not punished severely that society will not be a society long. At its base, deception is an act of war — “A man who bears false witness against his neighbor is like a club, a sword, and a sharp arrow (Prov. 25:18; cf. 12:17–18). The psalmist recognizes this — “false witnesses have risen against me, and such as breathe out violence” (Ps. 27:12).

Bearing false witness is therefore civil war — warfare against one’s neighbor, one’s brother. It is an act of violence directed against someone with whom you should be at peace.

Douglas Wilson

On Official Kirk Protocol & the Marriage of Serial Pedophile Steven Sitler

Christ Church Book of Worship, Faith, and Practice

“. . . our focus here is on setting protections in the extreme cases. . . . The elders will investigate the situation, counseling any and all as possible. If the elders discover no good grounds to hinder the relationship from proceeding toward marriage, then the elders can refuse to bring disciplinary action against the couple seeking marriage, in effect, granting them permission to be married without the threat of negative ecclesiastical discipline.” — Christ Church Book of Faith, Worship, and Practice Continue reading

Thursday, October 13, 2016 |

“those who are willing to defend such predators should be ashamed of themselves”

The recent revelations of homosexual abuse of boys by various predatory priests over the course of many years is the kind of problem that I think should be addressed (in the civil realm only) with a tall tree and a short rope. Not only am I not ashamed of thinking this (because of Leviticus, in context), I believe that those who are willing to defend such predators should be ashamed of themselves.
Douglas Wilson

Video: “I’ve always wanted to ask Doug Wilson . . . How should a church handle repentant sex offenders?”

Doug Dissembles

“I’m not authorized to offer the safety of the little kids in the church to someone who is not being supervised carefully enough. . . . So I can’t — I can give — we can give in the church — and must give — but only to the extent that we’re not stealing from somebody else, in order to subsidize it.” — Douglas Wilson Continue reading

Tuesday, October 11, 2016 |

One Example of How Nepotism Corrupts

Kim Jong-un

“I pledge to conduct myself in such a way that no one could ever question my loyalty to the peace and purity of Christ Church. This includes refusing to speak to any unauthorized person about grievances I might have, and includes refusing to hear any such criticisms as well. If commitment to this standard in any way compromises my conscience, then I understand that my resignation will be accepted, without notice, and without prejudice.” — Christ Church Commitment to Loyalty Continue reading

Thursday, October 6, 2016 |

Loose Ends in the Sitler Archive

What Money Can Buy

frayed rope

After their client underwent ten years of psychotherapy from two different clinics, Team Sitler heralded expert testimony from four paid witnesses to recommend that the Court give Steven Sitler free access to his son. And two weeks later, a $500 polygraph test revealed more about Steven Sitler’s behavior and thought process than all the hired guns combined: He’s a fixated pedophile and he acts according to his nature. Continue reading

Monday, October 3, 2016 |