Tagged “Blog & Mablog”

The Federal Division Part 6

“Shew Me a Token”


“Athanasius is not against the entire Christian world now (contra mundum) precisely because he was willing to be in that position then.” —Douglas Wilson Continue reading

Wednesday, February 8, 2017 |

“Like Some Blonde in a Tight Dress”

Large assemblies in part must rely on their committees to do the spade work, and I am not faulting the GA for that. You can’t have high level of theological discourse within the limits that a big assembly necessarily has. That is why it is so important to get the fairness thing right before the GA — in the committee. So I am faulting those who stacked that committee like it some blonde in a tight dress, and who then try to brazen it out after the fact. “What’s this? What do you mean? Perfectly modest attire.”
Douglas Wilson

The Federal Division Part 5

“A Handy Guide for Navigating Theological Controversies”

walking the plank

“Folks who want me to shut up about the PCA sure aren’t acting like they want me to shut up about the PCA.” —Douglas Wilson Continue reading

Monday, February 6, 2017 |

The Federal Division Part 3

“in the middle of a saloon brawl”


“Not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre; but patient, not a brawler, not covetous.” — 1 Timothy 3:3 Continue reading

Friday, February 3, 2017 |

“evidence is abundant”

There are various theories out there on this subject, including the one that posits that I am an idiot, but this is a theory that I have not found compelling so far. Sure, the evidence is abundant enough, but it is too disorganized. Needs to be footnoted. Somebody needs to go into the archives.
Douglas Wilson

The Federal Division Part 2

“Heretics are slippery with words”


Douglas Wilson’s problem isn’t a failure to use clear terminology. His problem is his willingness to use clearly deceitful terminology. Continue reading

Wednesday, January 25, 2017 |

The Federal Division: Excursus

Joe Morecraft Laughs Last

Confederate Grifter

One year after Doug Wilson mocked Dr. Morecraft with “Craft Morecaroni & Cheese,” Dr. Morecraft served a hot dish of poetic justice to the scoffer. Continue reading

Monday, January 23, 2017 |

Why the Oath: A Post Without Answers

Justice gagged, Death Wilson

Doug Wilson put a man under oath despite claiming he did not have lawful jurisdiction. And after hearing the perpetrator swear he committed multiple felonies, Doug Wilson did not report the criminal to the proper jurisdictional authority. Continue reading

Saturday, January 7, 2017 |

“consciences are seared”

The lake of fire is reserved for liars, and I take this as referring to those whose consciences are seared as with a hot iron. I believe this is speaking of men who don’t care about the truth, and are willing to advance stories that they know to be false. I don’t ever use that word lightly. One of my tasks in pastoral counseling, while trying to unsort human tangles, is to keep people from using that word.
Douglas Wilson