Like a Seed
‘Every culture has a religious center, and every religion, like a seed, given water, sunlight, and nutrients, grows up into a particular plant’ (Writers to Read, p. 62).
Douglas Wilson
The Kirk
Jeremiah 8:20
“The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved.”
Jeremiah 8:20
The Wilson Brand
Three’s a pattern. Continue reading
“Churches that specialize in superficial reconciliation”
But on the other hand, if we make the mistake that many other Christians make — that of confounding forgiveness and trust — we will throw open the doors of the church blindly ‘because Jesus,’ and will unwittingly create a climate that favors the creepers, and which excludes and punishes the vulnerable. Churches that do this are really good at blaming the vulnerable whenever something goes wrong — because the vulnerable are the only ones who will put up with that crap. Churches that specialize in superficial reconciliation do this in numerous ways — demanding that the spouse who was sinned against pay all the practical consequences (‘no divorce, sorry’), or, on the basis of one ‘sorry about that’ email, requiring a molested niece to look at her uncle continuing to serve communion.
Douglas Wilson
“More than one rogue pastor has established a mini-papal state, and run it like Leo X on a toot.”
More than one rogue pastor has established a mini-papal state, and run it like Leo X on a toot.
Douglas Wilson
DougWils, Inc.
A grifter’s empire. Continue reading
Douglas Wilson, Inc.
An alternative universe that orbits around one man. Continue reading
“Unfortunately, Diotrephes has an online discipleship training program, and his imitators are everywhere.”
The intention, laid out for us in Scripture, is for the institutional Church to receive the apostles, their emissaries, and their letters. When we get their letters, we in the Church are supposed to open them up and do what they say. Unfortunately, Diotrephes has an online discipleship training program, and his imitators are everywhere. Moreover, his imitators and heirs are, just like he was, entrenched in the Church.
Douglas Wilson
“From the very beginning the Christian faith has had to deal with imposters who gain control of the governmental mechanisms of the church”
From the very beginning the Christian faith has had to deal with imposters who gain control of the governmental mechanisms of the church, doing so in order to undermine the entire point of the Church. Think, for example, of Diotrephes, who would put out of the church anybody who had even voted in favor of receiving emissaries of the apostles (3 John 9–10). That man had control of the perks of preeminence, he had control of the minutes and file cabinets, he had control of the office keys. The only thing He didn’t have was control of the Spirit. The Spirit blows where He wills.
Douglas Wilson
Isn’t “a ‘strong’ cult”
“[Christ Church isn’t] a ‘strong’ cult. . . I don’t control people or anything like that.”
Douglas Wilson

“I pledge to conduct myself in such a way that no one could ever question my loyalty to the peace and purity of Christ Church.”
Commitment to Loyalty
I pledge to conduct myself in such a way that no one could ever question my loyalty to the peace and purity of Christ Church. This includes refusing to speak to any unauthorized person about grievances I might have, and includes refusing to hear any such criticisms as well. If commitment to this standard in any way compromises my conscience, then I understand that my resignation will be accepted, without notice, and without prejudice.Douglas Wilson
The Christ Church “Christian Unity Survey for CC and TRC”
The man who splits communities, churches, homes, and marriages shows concern for unity.
The Kirk Payroll: It’s Related
“Dat Old Debbel Nepotism” — Douglas Wilson Continue reading