Moscow-Pullman Daily News Letter to the Editor: “Disheartening at best”
“I, too, was horrified to see the overflowing parking lot at the Nazarene Church on Aug. 15. I now know that it was a Christ Church event.” —Tora Stone Continue reading
“I, too, was horrified to see the overflowing parking lot at the Nazarene Church on Aug. 15. I now know that it was a Christ Church event.” —Tora Stone Continue reading
Reading a kirker letter is like watching MLB on TV — empty cardboard cutouts surrounded by piped in crowd noise. These be soulless NPCs that have no meaning but to create the illusion of a Potemkin village. Continue reading
“Christ Church is once again smugly thumbing its nose at decent Moscow residents and this time literally endangering our lives. My anger extends to the Nazarene church as well. I was unaware that they had an affinity for the extreme fundamentalism of Christ Church, or perhaps the money offered was just too good to pass up. I, for one, never patronize the businesses of Christ Church members. I call on every decent resident of Moscow to do the same.” —Holli Cooper Continue reading
Some should exercise their right to remain silent. Continue reading
Jim Wilson’s life explains 1 Kings 14:10 better than any commentary. Continue reading
“but these are not normal times” Continue reading
“The dog ate my homework.” Continue reading
“Normally, I would say it’s OK for Wilson & Co. to live with their absurdities, but in this case Wilson’s statements are actually endangering others’ lives in Moscow.” Continue reading
“Frankly, it’s very difficult for me to understand their reasoning and their value system.” Continue reading
He has no gospel. Continue reading
“he’s a real man” Continue reading
Church service a display of arrogance The huge crowd of mask-free Christ Church worshipers Sunday is a display of both arrogance and utter disregard for the greater community’s health and wellness. I’m sure our first responders appreciate the gesture. Perhaps . . . Continue reading
My advice to Gabe: Withdraw from the race; beseech your neighbors’ forgiveness; and learn to walk with humility. Continue reading