According to yesterday’s entry in the Idaho Supreme Court Data Repository, Dean Wullenwaber notified the Court that he has withdrawn from the case. That is, Mr. Wullenwaber no longer represents serial pedophile Steven Sitler as legal counsel. Mr. Sitler retained Mr. Wullenwaber as his attorney on March 15, 2005.

Hahahahaha…. hahaha… hahahahaha
I want to publicly state my respect for Mr. Wullenwaber. It is difficult and often, I suppose, challenging to defend some one accused and found guilty of heinous crimes. And, in truth even though I know better, it is sometimes tempting to confuse a vigorous defense with justifying or excusing criminal acts. I am grateful to the men and women who take on this thankless task with dignity and a deep respect for the law. In truth, it would be beyond me to do so.
Rose Huskey
I distinguish between “vigorous defense,” “defending the indefensible,” and “positively advocating for the unconscionable.” When Sitler confessed to countless acts of child rape, Mr. Wullenwaber should have shifted gears from “vigorous defense” to “ensuring due process” — a process that should have resulted in his client’s swift execution. Instead, he shifted to “defending the indefensible,” which has led him into a downward spiral of “advocating for the unconscionable.” I’m glad he withdrew. I wish he had done it in 2005.