March 19, 2016, Archive

Book Review: Virtuous: A Study for Ladies of Every Age


“A virtuous woman is a woman who protects the weak and vulnerable. A virtuous woman would bravely speak up and tell her pastor husband that writing about other women’s breasts is unseemly and revolting. That woman would be downright ‘plucky.’ Now I am in no way implying this pastor’s wife sat silently by but rather pointing out the virtue in a woman that would abide a husband who demeans women.” Continue reading

Saturday, March 19, 2016 |

Site Note ↑

I added two subcategories to the Quotes category: Breasts & Rape. To access them, hover over the Categories button on the navigation bar above ↑, you’ll see Quotes on the dropdown menu. And when you hover over Quotes, you’ll see another dropdown menu with the subcategories Breasts, Purely Gratuitous, and Rape.

Most if not all of the quotes in Breasts overlap with Purely Gratuitous, but they deserve their own stand-alone category due to the sheer volume of citations (I have about 10 more in the queue).

Regarding the Purely Gratuitous category, it’s worth your time to thumb through those quotes. He waxes vulgar simply for the thrill of shocking his readers. Of course, the problem with this approach is that the writer must continually lower the standard of discourse to maintain his level of shock. Eventually they exhaust their vocabulary and have nothing more to say.

As for the Rape quotes, they should fall under the category Purely Gratuitous because he clearly did not believe the things he wrote, insofar as he addresses punishment for rapists. He wrote them because he wanted his followers to believe he believed them, which is important to hypocrites. Pharisees value appearance over substance every day of the week. “They say and do not” (Matt. 23:3).

Saturday, March 19, 2016 |