Theology That Needs a Bite Mask

And Other Obvious Observations

“Savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock.” Acts 20:29

He describes his religion as “theology that bites back.” Note the implicit accusation in the word “back.” He doesn’t bite willy-nilly; he bites back. That is, you bit him; he bit you back — just as the apostle Paul instructs the saints to “punch back twice as hard.” It’s self-defense, not aggression. And you started it.

Sure, he has issues. Not many pastors brag about their bite. But readers should take his admission at face value, though you can ignore the accusation. He doesn’t need a reason to bite. Ask Natalie.


Got a few comments and emails on this (thanks to everyone). A few weeks ago we discussed his gaslighting tactic as it applies to the “Fellowship of the Grievance,” or the “FOG.” Turns out that FOG is an acronym for Fear, Obligation, Guilt, which are the three manipulative devices used to commit “emotional blackmail”:

“Emotional blackmailers use fear, obligation and guilt in their relationships, ensuring that others feel afraid to cross them, obligated to give them their way and swamped by guilt if they resist.”

Blackmail. With him it always comes down to blackmail.


Here’s a suggestion: Visit a cancer center this week. Get there around 2 pm, so you can witness all the patients in the waiting room. Note the inordinate number of skinny frames and bald heads, as well as the people assisting them. Or perhaps you could visit Mike Lawyer’s wife because barring a miracle, she will die of cancer. And when you see these suffering souls, ask yourself, “Would I want someone to pray for this kind of calamity to fall upon me?” Speaking for myself, I would not. Hence the Golden Rule: “Whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.” (Matt. 7:12)

And let me get this out of the way: I do not believe that he prays to the God of Scripture and you can infer from that what you will because that is not the point of this vignette. The point is to say that as a Christian, you know in your heart this is sick. Scripture instructs us to bless others — including our enemies. This is Gospel 101. When you master the art of showing kindness to those who despitefully use you, then we can chat about asking God to break their teeth. But let’s wait until then.

Real Life

People ask, “Why Real Life?” There are many answers; here are a few:

  1. No, TRC is not Reformed and it is not a separate church. It’s a group of people who meet in an adjacent complex but who still live in his universe. Nothing significant happens at TRC without his permission and he preaches there at will.
  2. Please don’t misunderstand this, but kirkers have a reputation for being argumentative know it alls. Consequently, it’s understandable that most evangelical pastors in Moscow would rather not have them around. They want to protect their congregation from infection. As one pastor said, “Don’t send them here!” This is not your fault and it’s not to put a guilt trip on you. It’s just part of the cost of doing business with him. His theology bites and his bites carry disease.
  3. A megachurch offers a safe place to hide and decompress, which may be exactly what you need. Its environment is much more relaxed and you don’t have to worry about sideways glances from the pastor. Food for thought.

A good friend wrote this in the combox a few weeks ago, suggesting that wherever you go, it behooves you to stay away from a church that is related to Jim Wilson. This is true for two reasons: 1. He taught his son everything he knows, and 2. He reports to his son — the manipulation will not end as long as you remain in his orbit.

Finally, wherever you go when you go, because only the True Believers stay for the long run, please take this under advisement: Give a wide berth to any church where the pastor brags about his bite.

8:30, 10:00, and 11:30 am.