Tagged “the Kirk”
The Meaningless Oath
“. . . . During all of this, I was fully aware that Natalie was only 14 and 15 years old. . . . There may have been times that I told her not to tell anyone. But what I remember more clearly and I think was more wicked was how I manipulated her. . . . Regardless of how severe the consequences, I can finally be free from this filthy sin and guilt.” — Jamin Wight Continue reading
Moscow-Pullman Daily News letter to the editor: “A politicized conscience”
More Kirk showboating. Continue reading
The Kirk Challenge
An anonymous kirker challenged my comment: “not sure if they disclose it [Wilson’s salary] and if they do disclose it, not sure how anyone could access the books.” Here’s my challenge to this and other kirkers: Ask an elder when . . . Continue reading
Doug Jones: “to the uttermost part of the earth”
But not as a witness (Acts 1:8)
Laughter Is War — but the laughs end when he brings war against you. Continue reading
Roy Atwood: Truth, Beauty, Goodness, and Albania
All Dictators Die
Video: “Who to Trust?”
Hunter Funk produced the following video, which in three minutes captures perfectly the Kirk’s stance against Natalie Greenfield. They interview Mike Laywer, who holds the title “Pastor of Discipleship/Counseling” at Christ Church, Moscow. Mike Lawyer runs the Center for Biblical . . . Continue reading
Update to the Sitler Archive
Organizing the Kirk freak show. Continue reading
Moscow-Pullman Daily News Letter to the Editor
“Carl believes that true government protects the most innocent.” Continue reading
No Remorse. No Regrets
The man without a verse: “Don’t I need a verse or something?”
“Such a man is held responsible in a striking way. If he scandalizes ‘one of these little ones,’ it would be better for him to have a millstone tied around his neck and be thrown into the sea. In other words, what is actually going to happen to him is going to be a whole lot worse than that.”
— Douglas Wilson Continue reading
On Official Kirk Protocol & the Marriage of Serial Pedophile Steven Sitler
“. . . our focus here is on setting protections in the extreme cases. . . . The elders will investigate the situation, counseling any and all as possible. If the elders discover no good grounds to hinder the relationship from proceeding toward marriage, then the elders can refuse to bring disciplinary action against the couple seeking marriage, in effect, granting them permission to be married without the threat of negative ecclesiastical discipline.” — Christ Church Book of Faith, Worship, and Practice Continue reading