The parody of liberty is found in the libertarian image of the fornicating pot smoker — but you can get high and get laid in a 6′ × 8′ prison cell. There is one who defiantly cries out that he wants more liberty — so that he can enslave himself ever more tightly in chains he has forged himself. But no tyrant has ever been successfully resisted by cluster of lotus eaters, however big the cluster might be. Virtuous people cannot be kept as slaves, and an effete and self-indulgent people are made for slavery. It is their native habitat.
Douglas Wilson
Ira Berlin, 1941–2018
“All of the evidence that we have is that the slaves were extremely unhappy. The vast majority of the slaves wanted out and when they had the chance they got out.” —IRA BERLIN, award-winning author and professor at the University of Maryland Continue reading