Tagged “sexual orientation”
Steven Sitler Update: The House that Doug Wilson Built
“Make no mistake — it is terrible when a child has to live within range of a sexual predator.” —Douglas Wilson Continue reading
Moscow-Pullman Daily News: “Palouse area mostly accepting, but not immune to hate”
“She said members of Christ Church and its pastor, Doug Wilson, showed up outside a gay dance and displayed anti-gay signs, one of which read, ‘AIDS Inoculation Center.’” — Moscow-Pullman Daily News Continue reading
The Fixated Pedophile
And His Fixated Pastor
“To be really clear about this — I conducted the wedding and would do so again next week. So this is not one of those things where I wish I hadn’t done that.” — Douglas Wilson Continue reading
Excerpt: “Personality Traits of the Pedophile”
This excerpt is taken from “A Profile of Pedophilia: Definition, Characteristics of Offenders, Recidivism, Treatment Outcomes, and Forensic Issues” by Ryan C. W. Hall, MD, & Richard C.W. Hall, MD. Originally published by MAYO CLINIC PROCEEDINGS. Continue reading