Tagged “serial pedophile”

Lowlife Hypocrites

It’s probably too late, but if not, somebody should ask MinistrySafe for their opinion on serial pedophile Steven Sitler living in the same home as a child for whom he entertains “deviant sexual fantasies.” What a bunch of lowlife hypocrites, sitting through a seminar on sexual abuse while a little boy in their denomination goes to sleep each night within arms’ reach of a sexual predator.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017 |

Flashback 2005: “Arrogance Out of Moscow” Part 2

“Remarkable things are happening in Moscow”

Definition of Arrogance

“When he speaketh fair, believe him not: for there are seven abominations in his heart, whose hatred is covered by deceit, his wickedness shall be shewed before the whole congregation.” —Proverbs 26:25–26 Continue reading

Monday, October 16, 2017 |

The CREC Presiding Ministers & the Malignant Pastor


“So if someone with a long enough face to be a dowager from Human Resources tells me that I am no longer permitted, as a cis-white-male, to make any observations or comparisons, metaphorical or otherwise, about any aspect of the female anatomy, guess what I am going to do? Guess what my next blog post is going to be about?” —Douglas Wilson Continue reading

Friday, September 29, 2017 |

Of Slopes & Keys

And Child Molesters

Caution: Slippery Slope

“All the varied expressions of transgressive sexuality currently being celebrated in our culture, and now by the highest court in the land, are out of accord with God’s creational design for human sexuality, and are therefore sinful in the eyes of God. Whenever men set themselves up arrogantly to challenge God’s holy standards for sexuality, seeking to teach contrary to what God has taught us in His Word, they are vainly attempting something that is not within their authority to accomplish. We cannot bestow dignity where God has withheld it, and we cannot join together what God has determined shall remain forever separated.” —Douglas Wilson

Continue reading

Thursday, September 14, 2017 |

“his . . . personal ‘9-11’”

“Steven’s father refers to the revelation of Steven’s sexual offending as his, the father’s, personal ‘9-11.’ Steven’s parents see this matter as a terrible tragedy, secondarily for Steven and primarily for the victims involved.”
Dean Wullenwaber

In 2005 David Sitler, father of serial pedophile Steven Sitler, retained lawyer Dean Wullenwaber to primarily represent his son (PMR 23, 24) — not primarily ensure swift justice for his son’s victims. Now, twelve-and-a-half years later, Dave Sitler pays attorneys to force a helpless child live in the same home as his pedophiliac father. “Steven’s sexual offending” is a “personal 9-11” for his victims and for his son. No one else.

Some people have forgotten the terror of 9-11. Others never understood it. And for others, 9-11 is much more personal than words could ever describe.

The Falling Man
(Richard Drew)

Monday, September 11, 2017 |

The Presiding Ministers’ Report: “effectiveness as a contender for the faith”

Bad Religion: “separatist . . . fundamentalists . . . paranoia, crankishness, and all the other pathologies of the religious ghetto”

Bad Religion

“How did anybody in Christ Church think it was a good idea to encourage and enable a young woman in their community to marry a convicted pedophile? I cannot comprehend it. And I cannot comprehend the apparent unwillingness of the congregation to hold themselves and their pastor accountable for this catastrophe that has befallen the Sitler wife and child.” —Rod Dreher Continue reading

Saturday, September 9, 2017 |