Tagged “Presiding Minister of the CREC”

Of Slopes & Keys

And Child Molesters

Caution: Slippery Slope

“All the varied expressions of transgressive sexuality currently being celebrated in our culture, and now by the highest court in the land, are out of accord with God’s creational design for human sexuality, and are therefore sinful in the eyes of God. Whenever men set themselves up arrogantly to challenge God’s holy standards for sexuality, seeking to teach contrary to what God has taught us in His Word, they are vainly attempting something that is not within their authority to accomplish. We cannot bestow dignity where God has withheld it, and we cannot join together what God has determined shall remain forever separated.” —Douglas Wilson

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Thursday, September 14, 2017 |

Pavlov’s Doug

Pavlov's Doug

The words “gay & lesbian” trigger a Pavlovian response in him. You can see the chain reaction take place in his head: “gay & lesbian” leads to “culture war” leads to a defense of “race-based chattel slavery in the antebellum South.” Ring the bell, watch Doug drool. Continue reading

Monday, June 20, 2016 |