The CREC Presiding Ministers’ Memorial to Abuse
Ain’t No Millstone Big Enough
“Hypocrisy is always much bigger than the sin it pretends not to be committing.” — Douglas Wilson
“Hypocrisy is always much bigger than the sin it pretends not to be committing.” — Douglas Wilson
“Make no mistake — it is terrible when a child has to live within range of a sexual predator.” —Douglas Wilson Continue reading
After their client underwent ten years of psychotherapy from two different clinics, Team Sitler heralded expert testimony from four paid witnesses to recommend that the Court give Steven Sitler free access to his son. And two weeks later, a $500 polygraph test revealed more about Steven Sitler’s behavior and thought process than all the hired guns combined: He’s a fixated pedophile and he acts according to his nature. Continue reading
The primary goal of this plan appears to be an accommodation of Mr. Sitler’s whims, who apparently does not grasp the nature of his desperate condition. For if he understood his diagnosis, and if he loved his child, then he would be the first person to argue against his reintroduction into the home, in order to protect his son from himself. Continue reading