But here are some different examples. This one is taken from the world, not from Scripture, but we can learn something about the world from it. Why, if a woman sleeps with a hundred men, is she slut-shamed, but if a man sleeps with a hundred women, he can get away with bragging about his “conquests”? Well, consider this factor. A key that opens a hundred locks can claim to be a master key. A lock that opens to a hundred keys can only claim to be pretty much worthless. And lest you think that I am somehow “approving” of the man in this instance, I actually include him among the fornicators who will not inherit the kingdom of heaven (1 Cor. 6:9). The point is not that his sin is praiseworthy and the immoral woman’s is not, but rather that their sins are radically different because they are radically different. But to say they are radically different is not to say one is blameworthy and the other not. He is a scoundrel, and she is a tramp — let us not praise either one, but let us not confuse them either.
Douglas Wilson
Tagged “Pastor Doug Wilson of Christ Church”
Dr. Charles Krauthammer, Dr. Peter Leithart, Mr. Douglas Wilson, Jamin Wight & Steven Sitler
“This is shocking. It violates the most elementary notions of civil society. Civil society grants the church autonomy in ritual, belief, and practice — up to the limits of criminality.” —Dr. Charles Krauthammer Continue reading
“The Essence of Tyranny”
Absolute power. Continue reading
Ira Berlin, 1941–2018
“All of the evidence that we have is that the slaves were extremely unhappy. The vast majority of the slaves wanted out and when they had the chance they got out.” —IRA BERLIN, award-winning author and professor at the University of Maryland Continue reading
“These men know (and can prove) that Mr. Jones, from his place of work, accessed a website”
These men know (and can prove) that Mr. Jones, from his place of work, accessed a website (let us call it Bikini Bimbos.com), and was on that web site for 45 seconds. And so the data wonk says, “J’accuse.” Left out is the fact that he did so because Mrs. Jones, having just caught their Billy on the same site at their home computer, called her husband, and asked him to see how bad it was. Or contrariwise, remembering the condition our world is in, Mr. Jones might have just been sinning.
Douglas Wilson
Moscow-Pullman Daily News: “Stegner appointed to Supreme Court”
“You get more of what you subsidize, and less of what you penalize.” —Douglas Wilson Continue reading
Moscow-Pullman Daily News Editorial: “Get out and vote — it will make a difference”
“Such was the case on the Republican ballot in the 2016 primary. In the race for 5th District House Seat A, Moscow resident Bill Goesling was defeated by far-right candidate Carl Berglund — who had the support of Christ Church Pastor Douglas Wilson, who openly called for members of his church to support Berglund — by a mere 195 votes.” Continue reading
On This Day in 1862 Robert Smalls Saved His Family (and Others) from the Racial Animosity of Slavery
He risked everything for freedom. Continue reading
The Life of Martin Jackson: A Mother’s Day Post
“My mother was drowned years before when I was a little boy. I only remember her after she was dead. I can take you to the spot in the river today where she was drowned. She drowned herself. I never knew the reason behind it, but it was said she started to lose her mind and preferred death to that.” Continue reading
Gog Survives
His Victims Still Suffer
“the whole head is sick” —ISAIAH 1:5 Continue reading
“Update on Doug”
Prayer Requests
Update on DougHello all,
Doug is out of surgery. Talked with His surgeon. The tumor was removed successfully with no complications. Nothing in the lymph nodes, but we must wait for up to a week for the full pathology report. Until then, please pray for clarity for the diagnosis.
Thank you all!
“Update on Dougs [sic] surgery”
From: prayer-requests@christkirk.lumen.co
Date: May 7, 2018 at 13:46:21 PDT
Subject: Update on Dougs surgery
Reply-To: office@christkirk.comPrayer Requests
Update on Dougs surgery
Hello friends,
Doug is in surgery now and should be for at least another hour or two. It could possibly go longer. Then recovery will take another hour or so.
Ben, Bekah, Nate, and Rachel are all here keeping me very good company. Thank you so much for your prayers and kind notes and texts. We are blessed indeed.
We will keep you posted as soon as there is something to post.
With love,
Nancy, for Doug too, though he is asleep.Christine LaMoreaux
Never Feel Sorry for a Wounded Predator
“the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel” Continue reading