This principle is why people do things that they are willing to brazen out. People brazen it out because brazening it out works. And this is why I intend to bring up the stacked nature of the PCA committee every chance I get, for as long as I can remember to do so. Not only will I do this, but I intend to memorialize it with as many metaphors as I can manage to come up with. That committee was as stacked as a double order of buttermilks, as stacked as some blonde in a tight dress, and as stacked as a brick house. The PCA, she’s mighty, mighty.
Douglas Wilson
Tagged “Pastor Doug Wilson of Christ Church in Moscow”
The Federal Division Part 6
“Shew Me a Token”
“Athanasius is not against the entire Christian world now (contra mundum) precisely because he was willing to be in that position then.” —Douglas Wilson Continue reading
“Like Some Blonde in a Tight Dress”
Large assemblies in part must rely on their committees to do the spade work, and I am not faulting the GA for that. You can’t have high level of theological discourse within the limits that a big assembly necessarily has. That is why it is so important to get the fairness thing right before the GA — in the committee. So I am faulting those who stacked that committee like it some blonde in a tight dress, and who then try to brazen it out after the fact. “What’s this? What do you mean? Perfectly modest attire.”
Douglas Wilson
The Federal Division Part 5
“A Handy Guide for Navigating Theological Controversies”
“Folks who want me to shut up about the PCA sure aren’t acting like they want me to shut up about the PCA.” —Douglas Wilson Continue reading
The Federal Division Part 4
A Morality Play, by Team Truth
Sometimes visual aids help. Continue reading
The Federal Division Part 3
“in the middle of a saloon brawl”
“Not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre; but patient, not a brawler, not covetous.” — 1 Timothy 3:3 Continue reading
“evidence is abundant”
There are various theories out there on this subject, including the one that posits that I am an idiot, but this is a theory that I have not found compelling so far. Sure, the evidence is abundant enough, but it is too disorganized. Needs to be footnoted. Somebody needs to go into the archives.
Douglas Wilson
On This Day in History: Amendment XIII to the United States Constitution Passed by the House
“None need lament the passing of slavery. But who cannot but lament the damage to both white and black that has occurred as a consequence of the way it was abolished? We are forced to say that, in many ways, the remedy which has been applied has been far worse than the disease ever was.” —Douglas Wilson & Steve Wilkins Continue reading
My Town in the Slavery Archive
We received several requests to open this post. You may view it here, in the Slavery archive. Be sure to let it stream a bit — it’s a slow loader. Continue reading
“The Humpty Dumpty Syndrome”
The Humpty Dumpty Syndrome
Who could forget the memorable interchange between Alice and Humpty Dumpty in Lewis Carroll’s Through the Looking Glass. At one point, Alice protests Humpty’s bizarre use of words. “When I use a word,” responded Humpty in a rather scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.” Getting the better of him, Alice retorts, “The question is . . . whether you can make words mean so many different things.”After seeing how some Promise Keepers speakers and writers press Scripture into service to justify all sorts of teachings, one is left to ask Alice’s penetrating question all over again — whether Promise Keepers can make the words of Scripture mean so many different things. We call this problem the Humpty Dumpty syndrome, and it is more prevalent than most would care to admit.
Douglas Wilson
The Federal Division Part 2
“Heretics are slippery with words”
Douglas Wilson’s problem isn’t a failure to use clear terminology. His problem is his willingness to use clearly deceitful terminology. Continue reading
The Federal Division: Excursus
Joe Morecraft Laughs Last
One year after Doug Wilson mocked Dr. Morecraft with “Craft Morecaroni & Cheese,” Dr. Morecraft served a hot dish of poetic justice to the scoffer. Continue reading
“baptismal regeneration”
Raise your hand if you knew that the Westminster Confession taught baptismal regeneration — but more on that in a moment.
Douglas Wilson