Tagged “New St. Andrews College”

Motel Hell

Hillcrest Hotel

Five of the guests at the Hillcrest Motel in Moscow, Idaho, have the unique distinction of being listed on Idaho’s sex-offender website. Only one of them is “Mr. Right.” Continue reading

Saturday, September 26, 2015 |

The Open Letter Part 6: The Arranged Marriage

“Mr. Right” found

Our Story-thumb

A naïve waif named Katie Travis beseeched Christ Church elder Ed Iverson to find “Mr. Right” for her, and he found the most eligible felon on the state of Idaho’s registered sex-offender list — serial pedophile Steven Sitler.

Continue reading

Friday, September 25, 2015 |

On the False Dilemma


He’s either a repressed homosexual trying to overcompensate for his effeminate nature or he’s an attention-starved pastor who will say anything to keep himself in the spotlight. Continue reading

Wednesday, September 23, 2015 |