Tagged “Nancy Wilson”

“Update on Dougs [sic] surgery”

From: prayer-requests@christkirk.lumen.co
Date: May 7, 2018 at 13:46:21 PDT
Subject: Update on Dougs surgery
Reply-To: office@christkirk.com

Prayer Requests

Update on Dougs surgery

Hello friends,

Doug is in surgery now and should be for at least another hour or two. It could possibly go longer. Then recovery will take another hour or so.

Ben, Bekah, Nate, and Rachel are all here keeping me very good company. Thank you so much for your prayers and kind notes and texts. We are blessed indeed.

We will keep you posted as soon as there is something to post.

With love,
Nancy, for Doug too, though he is asleep.

Christine LaMoreaux

Monday, May 7, 2018 |

“the desire to hurt, annoy, humiliate, or damage someone’s reputation”

What is backbiting? It is spreading slander with the desire to hurt, annoy, humiliate, or damage someone’s reputation. It is spiteful, malicious, and false. The young widows in I Timothy 5 don’t have enough to do, and so they start wandering from house to house and ‘speaking things which they ought not.’ They are talking too much about other people’s affairs. This kind of careless speaking usually puts a spin on the real story, embellishing, exaggerating, attributing motives, complaining, and just plain making stuff up. And the truth is, God hates it.
Nancy Wilson

Book Review: Virtuous: A Study for Ladies of Every Age


“A virtuous woman is a woman who protects the weak and vulnerable. A virtuous woman would bravely speak up and tell her pastor husband that writing about other women’s breasts is unseemly and revolting. That woman would be downright ‘plucky.’ Now I am in no way implying this pastor’s wife sat silently by but rather pointing out the virtue in a woman that would abide a husband who demeans women.” Continue reading

Saturday, March 19, 2016 |