How Bad Theology is Incentivized
Wednesday, July 28, 2010 By Douglas Wilson
‘When men follow a teacher like Jezebel of Thyatira, they are doing so not because her doctrinal reasons are so compelling and her academic credentials so impressive, but rather because following her will greatly increase their chances of getting laid (Rev. 2:20). If a prophet comes prophesying wine and beer (Mich. 2:11), he is sure to get a following. And if it is a prophetess, declaring that love is grace and grace is sexy, then even better’ (Why Ministers Must Be Men, p. 23).
The CREC Presiding Ministers & the Pastor Who Does “Not Care”
“I have yet another glorious opportunity to not care” —Douglas Wilson
“But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse.” —2 Timothy 3:13 Continue reading