I believe that if Steven is returned to our community, he should be welcomed as a criminal and serial pedophile and a dangerous man. . .
Douglas Wilson
Tagged “dougwils.com”
The Open Letter Part 10: “measured and limited”
Trust but verify. Continue reading
No, No, Not This Kind of Creep. That Kind of Creep.
Gore Vidal has come out with a ringing defense of Roman Polanski — he says the 13-year-old recipient of Polanski’s attentions (back in the day) was a hooker. And this makes everything better . . . how exactly? Polanski hired a 13-year-old hooker? And then drugs her? Most men who hire prostitutes just pay them — they don’t have to dope them up also. Polanski must have been quite the charmer.
Douglas Wilson
On an Olive Branch of Death
Insane. Continue reading
The Open Letter Part 9: “authority to prohibit or ‘not allow’ a lawful marriage”
Got that? Continue reading
“Persecutors always feel persecuted”
One of the things that Girard noticed about the Scriptures, not to mention human history, is that oppression is always respectable, and that the victim who protests that oppression is not respectable. He is told to shut up. Persecutors always feel persecuted. The oppressor feels oppressed, and is highly indignant when the victim won’t shut up. When the victim writes a psalm of lament, he is not playing the dutiful role that he was assigned. The victim is therefore the troublemaker, and must be dealt with.
Douglas Wilson
On Frogs
Some judgment calls are no-brainers and still others are life-defining moments. And sometimes they’re both. Continue reading
The Open Letter Part 8: “we agree with Judge Stegner”
Copyright © MoscowID.net. No Rights Reserved. This image is the property of MoscowID.net pursuant to the FAIR USE Act. Please distribute. Continue reading
The Open Letter Part 7: “Katie and her family had all the facts”
Strong bulls of Bashan surrounded Katie Travis. She never had a chance. Continue reading
Rod Dreher: “Scandal in Moscow”
High mountain air and alcohol don’t mix. Continue reading
On Subsidies
“You may carve it into marble if you wish, because it is not going to change anytime soon. You get more of what you subsidize and less of what you penalize.” — Douglas Wilson Continue reading
The Open Letter Part 6: The Arranged Marriage
“Mr. Right” found
A naïve waif named Katie Travis beseeched Christ Church elder Ed Iverson to find “Mr. Right” for her, and he found the most eligible felon on the state of Idaho’s registered sex-offender list — serial pedophile Steven Sitler.
On the False Dilemma
He’s either a repressed homosexual trying to overcompensate for his effeminate nature or he’s an attention-starved pastor who will say anything to keep himself in the spotlight. Continue reading