Tagged “dougwils.com”

“I believe that violent rape by a sexual predator should be answered by a tall tree and a short rope.”

Second, given what I said above, I believe that violent rape by a sexual predator should be answered by a tall tree and a short rope. But I don’t believe that the statutory rape of a seventeen-year-old girl by her nineteen-year-old boyfriend should be treated the same way. Sue me. In between those two extremes of rape are various other gradations of rape, and I am afraid to disappoint Ms. Moon, but I am not in favor of any of them. Who would have thought? I would want to punish them differently, but I would want to punish them all.
Douglas Wilson

“The Bitchstate and the Transcendental No”

Every free society has to have and maintain the ability to say no to proposed or mandated insanities. The progressive idea of liberty is that your daughter can continue to go to the bathroom of her choice, just so long as the sad pervert gets to go into all of them. As long as the ultimate authority for saying yes or no to anything lies within that society, in the opinions, lusts, and kinks of its own members, we will never be able to say no to the regnant, pregnant insanities. The bitchstate is about to bequeath to us a teeming litter of idiot puppies. You think things are bad now?
Douglas Wilson

“God hates the sin of bearing false witness”

Having said this, we have to remind ourselves that God hates the sin of bearing false witness. “These six things the Lord hates, yes, seven are an abomination to Him: a proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that are swift in running to evil, a false witness who speaks lies, and one who sows discord among brethren” (Prov. 6:16–19). God hates seven things, and lying makes the list twice. God sees to it that a liar does not go unpunished — liars will perish and not escape (Prov. 19:5, 9) The lake of fire is reserved for liars (Rev. 21:8). Jesus repeats this commandment with others (Mark 10:19).
Douglas Wilson

“the bitch goddess”

Every unprincipled vote, offerred to the bitch goddess of the state on the left, or the bitch goddess of pragmatism on the soft right, or the bitch goddess of ideology on the libertarian right, was simply thrown away. Professing Christians who voted for Obama were either confusedly or rebelliously heaping up judgment for all of us. Christians on the right who voted for Romney for no other reason than that he was ‘electable’ found out that he was not as electable as all that. And Christians who voted for absolute ideological purity (which is, remember, a form of impurity) found out that that kind of purity wasn’t in the running.
Douglas Wilson

“way to miss the redemptive moment, bitch”

Say that somebody orchestrates a great ‘taking offense offensive,’ and that somebody else answers them with wit and fire. If a bassoon player in the orchestra of offense shows up in the comments section of their blog and expresses a sentiment along the lines of ‘way to miss the redemptive moment, bitch,’ one may begin to suspect that redemptive moments weren’t actually their central interest. The lesson we can take away from Mark 5 is that people who ooze compassion one moment and erupt with unbridled scorn the next are on somebody’s payroll.
Douglas Wilson

“Unbelieving women”

Unbelieving women either compete for the attention of men through outlandish messages that communicate some variation of ‘easy lay,’ or in the grip of resentment they give up the endeavor entirely, which is how we get lumberjack dykes. The former is an avid reader of Cosmopolitan and thinks she knows 15K ways to please a man in bed. The latter is just plain surly about the fact that there even are any men.
Douglas Wilson

“In this world, a woman is God’s chief instrument for making a man responsible.”

Because of our compromises with individualism, and because we use the word discrimination like a scarecrow, we tend to dislike generalizations. But Jesus generalized about the Pharisees, and Paul did the same thing with the Cretans. That being the case, “here goes” with regard to the young men. Taking one thing with another, there is no way to lead men away from poverty, away from crime, away from self-destructive habits, away from a life of laziness, without leading them to a woman. A woman is not the reward for being responsible. Almost all men need to marry before they are entirely responsible adults. A suitor should be a reasonable candidate for future responsibility, but he needs a woman to get there. In this world, a woman is God’s chief instrument for making a man responsible. He uses her to get him there. Just as the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, so also is the love of a good woman the beginning of male responsibility. Humanly speaking, you cannot get much masculinity without femininity.
Douglas Wilson

Repost: “slapping the bitch around to put her in her place”

This quote first went up on October 24, 2015; I’m reposting it because of the similarity between this quote and the previous (“If Ray Rice had been more musical, and had treated his bitch like they all sing about”). A pattern has emerged:

Suppose we went out and found some old school missionary who wanted to insist on the missionary position for everybody. Without defending his views, I nevertheless guarantee that he would be mercilessly harangued as an oppressor of women, and a hazard to the public weal. However, comma, if that same man changed direction suddenly, lurching, shall we say, and started writing about fur-lined handcuffs, blindfolds, and slapping the bitch around to put her in her place, we could probably find a place for him on the New York Times best seller list. And if he got himself some bling and an over-sized white windbreaker, shot a few people, and put a seething hatred of women into metrical rhyme, we could probably get him an invite to an Obama fundraiser.
Douglas Wilson

Thursday, April 7, 2016 |

“If Ray Rice had been more musical, and had treated his bitch like they all sing about”

This latter problem is a profound intellectual schizophrenia. We lionize and honor certain behaviors when there is a strong bass line and red carpet swagger, but then are shocked and horrified when someone actually does what we have been busy honoring. If Ray Rice had been more musical, and had treated his bitch like they all sing about, and stayed away from elevator cameras, he could making his reservations for a glitzy Hollywood awards banquet now. He could be a major Democratic donor.
Douglas Wilson

“The apostle Paul teaches us to punch back twice as hard.”

Jesus tells us that when we are struck on one cheek, we are to turn the other. The apostle Paul teaches us to punch back twice as hard. Furthermore, there is no contradiction. If there is apparent contradiction, we are not to try to resolve it through ignoring half of the evidence.

‘And not rather, (as we be slanderously reported, and as some affirm that we say,) Let us do evil, that good may come? whose damnation is just’ (Rom. 3:8).

‘Alexander the coppersmith did me much evil: the Lord reward him according to his works’ (2 Tim. 4:14).

‘For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ’ (2 Cor. 11:13).

Given the corruption of the times, it is not surprising that some churches are being attacked. The marvel is why more are not being attacked. Another marvel is why more churches are not responding the way the Scriptures instruct.
Douglas Wilson