Because of our compromises with individualism, and because we use the word discrimination like a scarecrow, we tend to dislike generalizations. But Jesus generalized about the Pharisees, and Paul did the same thing with the Cretans. That being the case, “here goes” with regard to the young men. Taking one thing with another, there is no way to lead men away from poverty, away from crime, away from self-destructive habits, away from a life of laziness, without leading them to a woman. A woman is not the reward for being responsible. Almost all men need to marry before they are entirely responsible adults. A suitor should be a reasonable candidate for future responsibility, but he needs a woman to get there. In this world, a woman is God’s chief instrument for making a man responsible. He uses her to get him there. Just as the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, so also is the love of a good woman the beginning of male responsibility. Humanly speaking, you cannot get much masculinity without femininity.
Douglas Wilson
Tagged “Douglas Wilson”
@NatalieGfield #millstone
Powerful men who profess Christ & then protect predators belong where Jesus said: in the bottom of the ocean, millstones around their necks.
— Natalie Greenfield (@NatalieGfield) April 9, 2016
Doug Wilson, the Defender of Boogie Men, puts on a conference on sexuality. His arrogance knows no boundaries.
— Natalie Greenfield (@NatalieGfield) April 9, 2016
Repost: “slapping the bitch around to put her in her place”
This quote first went up on October 24, 2015; I’m reposting it because of the similarity between this quote and the previous (“If Ray Rice had been more musical, and had treated his bitch like they all sing about”). A pattern has emerged:
Suppose we went out and found some old school missionary who wanted to insist on the missionary position for everybody. Without defending his views, I nevertheless guarantee that he would be mercilessly harangued as an oppressor of women, and a hazard to the public weal. However, comma, if that same man changed direction suddenly, lurching, shall we say, and started writing about fur-lined handcuffs, blindfolds, and slapping the bitch around to put her in her place, we could probably find a place for him on the New York Times best seller list. And if he got himself some bling and an over-sized white windbreaker, shot a few people, and put a seething hatred of women into metrical rhyme, we could probably get him an invite to an Obama fundraiser.
Douglas Wilson
“If Ray Rice had been more musical, and had treated his bitch like they all sing about”
This latter problem is a profound intellectual schizophrenia. We lionize and honor certain behaviors when there is a strong bass line and red carpet swagger, but then are shocked and horrified when someone actually does what we have been busy honoring. If Ray Rice had been more musical, and had treated his bitch like they all sing about, and stayed away from elevator cameras, he could making his reservations for a glitzy Hollywood awards banquet now. He could be a major Democratic donor.
Douglas Wilson
“The apostle Paul teaches us to punch back twice as hard.”
Jesus tells us that when we are struck on one cheek, we are to turn the other. The apostle Paul teaches us to punch back twice as hard. Furthermore, there is no contradiction. If there is apparent contradiction, we are not to try to resolve it through ignoring half of the evidence.
‘And not rather, (as we be slanderously reported, and as some affirm that we say,) Let us do evil, that good may come? whose damnation is just’ (Rom. 3:8).
‘Alexander the coppersmith did me much evil: the Lord reward him according to his works’ (2 Tim. 4:14).
‘For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ’ (2 Cor. 11:13).
Given the corruption of the times, it is not surprising that some churches are being attacked. The marvel is why more are not being attacked. Another marvel is why more churches are not responding the way the Scriptures instruct.
Douglas Wilson
Melania Trump on a difference between Donald Trump & Douglas Wilson
“not a striker, but gentle, peaceable, not loving money” — 1 Timothy 3:3 Continue reading
“When they lie, they speak their native language.”
This means that when rulers are ungodly, we should expect them to be like their father, the devil, who is the father of liars (John 8:44). When they lie, they speak their native language. Bitterness and cursing are under their tongue, but of course never at the press conference.
Douglas Wilson
“Liars hate being caught.”
Of course it is bigger than that. Double standards always are. Hypocrisy is always much bigger than the sin it pretends not to be committing. Liars hate being caught. It throws them off their rhythm.
Douglas Wilson
April Fool’s Day 2005: “God’s judgment on a culture”
Business As Usual
Perhaps April Fools’ gags help Douglas Wilson reflect on his true calling in life. Continue reading
“Reject every form of fraud and ungodly deceit.”
Reject every form of fraud and ungodly deceit.
Douglas Wilson
A Fool and His Holy Day
“a little bragging is now safe, and perhaps it is even in order”
“The folly of fools is deceit.” — Proverbs 14:8 Continue reading
Why Doug Wilson Flimflams Jamin Wight’s Crimes
“excluding injustice through severe penalties”
When you strip away all the blame-shifting, restatements, contradictions, obfuscations, and misleading rhetoric from Doug Wilson’s nonsense, one point stands out: He resolved to protect Jamin Wight from paying the lawful penalty for Lewd Conduct With Minor Child Under Sixteen & Sexual Abuse of a Child Under the Age of Sixteen Years. Continue reading
“Watch out for liars.”
Watch out for liars. When a man lies in the course of a church conflict (which needs to be distinguished from being simply mistaken), you know that you are dealing with a seared conscience.
Douglas Wilson