Thanks for hearing me out. Have to get back to my lucrative ministry now.
Douglas Wilson
Tagged “Douglas Wilson”
“Clinton levels of corruption”
If you can justify Clinton levels of corruption, you can accomplish quite a bit. At least for a while.
Douglas Wilson
Nepotism: It’s a Papal Tradition
“Nepotism is favoritism granted to relatives. The term originated with the assignment of nephews to cardinal positions by Catholic popes and bishops.” — Wikipedia Continue reading
Meanwhile, the CREC Review Committee continues to prepare its glowing appraisal of Douglas Wilson
The immensely popular repeat offender who continually fails to demonstrate that he has the moral capacity to understand right from wrong. Continue reading
“I’d vote for Jefferson Davis”
They voted for Bush; I’d vote for Jefferson Davis.
Douglas Wilson
John 8:44
Whereupon Jim Wilson, father of Douglas, declares that you are not a Christian if you disagree with his son
And now we know who taught Doug Wilson to crush dissent and what gave birth to the Christ Church Commitment to Loyalty. Continue reading
CIA: “Black Dispatches”
A runaway slave saved the day
On this day in 1863, the three-day Battle of Gettysburg began. Robert E. Lee planned to invade the North and bring the war to a quick end. If he had succeeded, the South might have won and if the Confederacy had its way, blacks would still live in perpetual slavery to the master class. Because the Bible says so.
“It’s not right . . . to give perfectly good white folk food to niggers”
Jesus was not above using ethnic humor to make His point either. . . . My understanding of this encounter is that Jesus was pulling his disciples’ chain. This woman was not a Jew, and the Jews had problems dealing with such people, considering them beneath contempt — in a word, dogs. Put in terms that we might be more familiar with, Jesus was white, and the disciples were white, and this black woman comes up seeking healing, for her daughter. She gets ignored. The disciples ask Jesus to send her off. She comes up and beseeches Christ for healing. It’s not right, He says, to give perfectly good white folk food to “niggers.” Disciples mentally cheer. But she sees the look in His eye, and the inverted commas around the epithet, and answers in kind. He relents, which was His intent all along, and heals the woman’s daughter. If this understanding is right, then Jesus was using a racial insult to make a point. If it is not correct, then He was simply using a racial insult. In either case, His language is more than a little rough.
Douglas Wilson
Omnibus: “Pretend you are a slave” part II
Autonomous, married, and a far-away family
A free slave writes a letter to his far-away family to inform them of his plans. Pretend indeed.
Omnibus: “Pretend you are a slave” part I
Veritas Press & Textbook Plagiarism
Former professional golfer and current expert on Classical Christian Education Marlin Detweiler pitches the Omnibus for Veritas Press. Continue reading
Pavlov’s Doug
The words “gay & lesbian” trigger a Pavlovian response in him. You can see the chain reaction take place in his head: “gay & lesbian” leads to “culture war” leads to a defense of “race-based chattel slavery in the antebellum South.” Ring the bell, watch Doug drool. Continue reading
“some of you many have wondered about the League of the South, and what our connection to that organization actually is”
In the midst of our current controversy with our local intoleristas, some of you many have wondered about the League of the South, and what our connection to that organization actually is. Steve Wilkins, whom you know, has served as a director for the organization. When the group was first formed Steve told them a couple things that bear on our situation here. First, he said the group had to be explicitly Christian or he could not be associated with it. He also told them that it could not be racist in any way, and if anything like that showed up, he was out of there. Steve has recently resigned from their board of directors, but *not* because there was any problem with the conditions above. Rather, it was the result of changing priorities. Some of the thinking about those changing priorities might be made clearer through something I recently wrote on the subject, which I have included for you below. Just consider this free information, and if you can use it, great.
Douglas Wilson