‘Then said he unto the disciples, It is impossible but that offences will come: but woe unto him, through whom they come! It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones’ (Luke 17:1–2). . . .
In the passage from Luke, Jesus warns against stumbling or offending little ones. He attaches one of the most dire warnings in the Bible to this caution (v. 2). Jesus said a lot of things about children that are routinely ignored today, just as the first disciples tended to ignore them.
Douglas Wilson
Tagged “Douglas Wilson”
Huff Po: “Gubernatorial Candidate Has Ties To Pastor Who Wrote Black Families Were ‘Stronger’ Under Slavery”
Whereupon Doug Wilson’s profound ignorance becomes a millstone to those who hang with him. Continue reading
“one of the most dire warnings in the Bible”
“without natural affection” II
“. . . without natural affection, implacable, false accusers, brutal, fierce, despisers of those that are good. . .” — 2 Timothy 3:3 Continue reading
“without natural affection”
“. . . without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful. . .” — Romans 1:31 Continue reading
“all pro-homosexual arguments are pro-pedophile arguments”
Even though not all homosexuals are pedophiles, all pro-homosexual arguments are pro-pedophile arguments. Name me one that isn’t.
Douglas Wilson
“Circumlocutions & Faggotré”
I have had to explain this before, but let me conclude by saying it again. It is our duty to be transgressive. Prior to the rise of homosexual activism, I had never once in my life taunted a homosexual because of his vice, whether with word, gesture, or epithet. I was not brought up that way, and I simply wouldn’t do it. But the pretense — and that is what it is, pretense — that these speech codes are being designed to address that particular problem is simply bogus.
And since the rise of “gay pride,” I haven’t taunted victims of vice under these new circumstances either. Why would a preacher of grace taunt victims of sin? What kind of ministry goes around kicking sad people?
Douglas Wilson
“He talks with a lisp, he is limp-wristed, he walks like Liberace in a pair of skinny jeans, he is really into fabric design, and so on. In other words, sex aside, sexual activity aside, everything about him screams gay. Without any sex at all, and without any sexual activity on the horizon, he is being effeminate. And that is a sin.” — Douglas Wilson Continue reading
On Postmillennial Biblical Republic Flimflam
“In a hypothetical biblical republic, I would support the death penalty for child rape, but that republic is not yet upon us.” — Douglas Wilson Continue reading
“A repentant man who had done these things would evidence his repentance in his whole-hearted desire to be executed.”
- A genuinely repentant man in such circumstances must confess everything, fully and completely, and this would include any crimes he has not been charged with. The chances are good that the authorities do not know everything he has done. He must plead guilty in court to any crimes he committed, publicly declare that he has sought God’s forgiveness, and ask for forgiveness from the families of the victims. . . A repentant man who had done these things would evidence his repentance in his whole-hearted desire to be executed. . . .
- If in substance he manifests repentance this way, that repentance should be accepted by his brothers and sisters in Christ, and he should willingly go to his death a communicant member of Christ Lutheran Church. If he does not do these things, if his declared repentance is only an emotional sorrow that does not bear the marks of true repentance, then he should be excommunicated from his church.
“If a shepherd is gentle with wolves, he is being harsh with the sheep.”
If a policeman is gentle with the rapist, he is harsh with the rapist’s victim. If a shepherd is gentle with wolves, he is being harsh with the sheep. We must learn when and how we are to be gentle (for we are to be gentle people), and we must also learn when and how we are to be hard (and as pointed) as nails.
“The penalty for rape is death for the rapist.”
The penalty for rape is death for the rapist.
Douglas Wilson
“21 Questions for a Prospective Suitor”
- Have you ever participated, whether experimentally or otherwise, in any sexual perversions? Homosexuality? Molestation of children? Bestiality?
- Have you ever been in any kind of trouble with the law?