Tagged “children”

Top Ten Posts of the Steven Sitler Archive

Russian Nuke

Nothing about Steven Sitler is worthy of celebration. But we want to note the top ten posts of the year in the Sitler Archive because these entries begin to tell the horrible story of the serial pedophile, which everyone on the Palouse and in the church should know. Continue reading

Wednesday, December 30, 2015 |

October 27, 2015, Christ Church HOH Meeting

Transcript Part 1

Christ Church Kirk Dog

On October 27, 2015, Christ Church held a church-wide heads-of-households meeting to address questions raised by the sex-abuse scandals that had recently come to light. This post is a verbatim transcript of the first half of this meeting. Continue reading

Wednesday, December 30, 2015 |

“Child Abuse” — Randy Booth

Child abuse and neglect comes in many forms: physical, sexual and emotional. It also ranges in degree, duration and affect. Most of us feel great sympathy and empathy for any child who is subject to any type of abuse or neglect as well as disgust and outrage toward those who commit such acts against innocent children. These defenseless and helpless little ones need to be rescued and loved.
Randy Booth

Wednesday, December 23, 2015 |

Jamin Wight, Kirk Missionary

A Corruption of Justice Primer

Trinity Reformed Church

An email from the pastor of Trinity Reformed Church (which is Christ Church lite) to the members in regards to Kirk missionary Jamin Wight. Continue reading

Wednesday, December 2, 2015 |