Tagged “Canon Press”

Justice Discontinued

A Corruption of Justice Primer

Justice Cancelled

Canon Press has not said if they sold their inventory for resell or destroyed it. What do you think they did?

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Tuesday, December 15, 2015 |

WORLD: Booth Gone

Randy Booth

WORLD Magazine has apparently updated its story with this sentence: “But the same day that Canon Press pulled the book, Booth resigned from the committee, according to Canon CEO Aaron Rench.” Continue reading

Saturday, December 12, 2015 |

“Violent rape is a judgment of God upon a people”

Violent rape is a judgment of God upon a people. . . Violent rape is God’s judgment upon a culture, and individual women who are part of that culture are included in the judgment. . . . We see the same judgment at work in disintegrating cultures: ‘Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil’ (Eccl. 8:11). Here the rape is not being perpetrated by foreign soldiers, but is the result of citizens turning on one another. Every culture is a gathering of sinners, and so rape is always a possibility. But when God’s hand of judgment is heavy upon a people, women are in far greater danger of sexual assault than at other times. It is interesting to note that in these, our ‘enlightened’ times, a woman is far more likely to be abused in this way than before all the liberation happened. Douglas Wilson

On A Conflict of Interest

A Corruption of Justice Primer

A Corruption of Justice Primer

If Doug Wilson had to recuse himself, then why doesn’t Randy Booth have to recuse himself? After all, they are business partners. Continue reading

Thursday, November 12, 2015 |