Try to imagine a bookkeeper who had to give a financial accounting, but was not told how much money was involved, or to whom it belonged!”
Douglas Wilson
Tagged “Blog & Mablog”
The Wilson–Booth Tag Team
“A beast is a persecutor; an antichrist is a false teacher”
Never Open Up Constructive Theological Dialogue With An Antichrist
Topic: Chrestomathy
“At the same time, precisely because the Church is the household of the faithful, the enemy outside hates it. One of the ways he expresses that hatred is by various attempts at subversion, corrupting the Church from within. It is simply naive to maintain that all assaults on the faith come from persecuting tyrants. Most of the threats to biblical integrity come from men who went to seminary. The beast in Scripture is a civil ruler, persecuting from outside. There have been many such beasts in the history of the Church, from Nero to Stalin. But the antichrist in Scripture is a spirit of corruption from within the body. Who is the antichrist but the one who denies that Jesus came in the flesh? (1 Jn. 4:3). A beast is a persecutor; an antichrist is a false teacher. In the scriptural categories, Hitler was a beast, but to find our modern antichrists we have to look for liberal Methodist bishops and the lesbians who love them. Now the Bible requires that the Word be brought against both kinds of threats, which is just what the apostle John did. He brought the Word against the beast in Revelation and against the antichrist in 1 John. And when that Word comes, it does not do so as an invitation to dialogue” (A Serrated Edge, pp. 99–100).
Posted by Douglas Wilson — 12/28/2005 12:45:29 PM
Randy Booth’s Leftover Turkey
Leftover example of plagiarism from Randy Booth’s now-deleted website, with special thanks to Rachel Miller. Continue reading
“I am profoundly grateful for the caliber of my enemies”
Tunnel Vision 20/300
Topic: General Ruminations
Scripture tells us that we should be grateful for all things, always and for everything giving thanks in the name of the Lord Jesus. But some things still stand out. If I may speak in a Hebraic mode for just a moment — for two things I give thanks, and for three I am extremely grateful. First, I am very thankful for the godly character of my wife and family. Second, I am grateful for the integrity of my friends and co-laborers in the gospel. But third, after careful consideration of the subject, I have to say that I am profoundly grateful for the caliber of my enemies.
Posted by Douglas Wilson — 5/3/2004 8:07:23 PM
“I would define rape as having any kind of sexual relationship with someone apart from or against her or his consent.”
Sarah Moon writes here about complementarianism’s ‘ugly relationship with rape.’ She poses two questions of us bad people, and they are as follows — first, how do we define rape? And secondly, what do we propose to do about it?
Okay. I would define rape as having any kind of sexual relationship with someone apart from or against her or his consent. So far, so good, probably, but she then objects to our recognition of the possibility of varying degrees of foolishness on the part of the victim, and she interprets this recognition as somehow meaning ‘when they say they are against rape they don’t mean all rape.’
Douglas Wilson
“If a trusted spiritual leader starts abusing a girl when she is 14”
At the same time, of course, we should make allowances for those situations where an abused girl was never given the opportunity to become a responsible adult. If a trusted spiritual leader starts abusing a girl when she is 14, it is not as though, after 7 years of abuse, a magic moment happens when she turns 21, making it easy for her to now walk away. In a situation like that, the word victim is appropriate. But we ought to reserve the word for situations like it, and not use it in circumstances like this one.
Douglas Wilson
“Was that 14-year old psychologically ready to engage in consensual sex with a man ten years her senior? In my opinion, no.”
Was that 14-year old psychologically ready to engage in consensual sex with a man ten years her senior? In my opinion, no.
Douglas Wilson
“the first priority”
We unfortunately live in a time when child abuse is common, and given the way things are going, tragic instances of it are likely to increase. . . . In the first place, when plausible suspicion arises that child abuse has occurred or is occurring, the first priority is to ensure that it does not continue in the present circumstance, and that it does not continue into the future, in any other circumstance. . . . No conscientious pastor can be willingly complicit in a child having to spend one more minute under the control of his abuser. . . . There are times when an anemic response of a church to a child abuse tragedy is a response that simply makes the blast radius bigger. . . .
Douglas Wilson
The CREC Review Committee Nears Completion
Doug Wilson could commit a felony at high noon in the town square before 10,000 eyewitnesses and the CREC has no constitutional authority to discipline him. Continue reading
“The child actually has a problem dad”
Over the years, I have seen many hard cases of difficult kids not effectively loved by their fathers. Because I don’t see the problem disappearing, I thought I would post a series of short pointed exhortations to a dad who has a problem child. The child actually has a problem dad, but the child doesn’t think that. He is too confused, lost, and hurting to think about much of anything. I am going write these posts in the second person. I have no particular people in view; these problems should be taken as a composite. But I trust that some of those who read these posts here will see the applicability to their own situations. When I am talking about a boy I will call him Jon, and when she is a girl I will call her Mary.
Douglas Wilson
No Remorse. No Regrets
The man without a verse: “Don’t I need a verse or something?”
“Such a man is held responsible in a striking way. If he scandalizes ‘one of these little ones,’ it would be better for him to have a millstone tied around his neck and be thrown into the sea. In other words, what is actually going to happen to him is going to be a whole lot worse than that.”
— Douglas Wilson Continue reading