Tagged “Blog & Mablog”

“Those Cowed Already Will Continue to Be”

Comes now some academic bloviation to help us all through whatever remaining prejudices we might have had about the molestation of children (HT: Baylyblog & Frank Turk). At issue is the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), which is still, even in these postmodern times, filled with hatred and outmoded forms of discriminatory malice. It appears that pedophilia and hebephilia are still listed as disorders, and boy, do we have some work to do! You know, addressing all that hatred.

For those just joining us, the days are coming when the only entry left in the DSM will be the then outlawed practice of intercourse in the missionary position by a heterosexual married couple.
Douglas Wilson

Theater of the Absurd

A Corruption of Justice Primer

“CREC PASTOR” fits him just fine. The CREC trained him. The CREC defended him. The CREC protects those who protected him. The CREC should own him. Continue reading

Friday, November 20, 2015 |

On A Conflict of Interest

A Corruption of Justice Primer

A Corruption of Justice Primer

If Doug Wilson had to recuse himself, then why doesn’t Randy Booth have to recuse himself? After all, they are business partners. Continue reading

Thursday, November 12, 2015 |

On The Christ Church Commitment to Loyalty: #FreeSpeechApocalypse

Commitment to Loyalty

“I pledge to conduct myself in such a way that no one could ever question my loyalty to the peace and purity of Christ Church. This includes refusing to speak to any unauthorized person about grievances I might have, and includes refusing to hear any such criticisms as well. If commitment to this standard in any way compromises my conscience, then I understand that my resignation will be accepted, without notice, and without prejudice.” Continue reading

Tuesday, November 3, 2015 |

“banning pink vibrators”

We are confronted with the same kind of issue when it comes to defining the sex toys you might want to prohibit. Suppose you use a broad definition, like ‘any artifact or substance that you weren’t born with, but which you use to enhance sexual pleasure.’ This gets rid of the dildos and whips and chains, which was your admirable goal, but it also gets rid of perfume, oil, classy lingerie, and a romantic dinner for two at Angelo’s. But if you go narrow in your definition, then somebody is going to ask where you get off legislating with such specificity. Nobody should want the kind of Talmudic process that could conceivably result in banning pink vibrators but okaying all the others. Nobody should want a sexual magisterium. This laudable desire is what creates pressure for an express warrant approach.
Douglas Wilson

On Blame-shifting

Pastor Covers for Perp: “I can observe what Jamin should not.”

Doug Wilson

It’s utterly appropriate for Mr. Wilson to blame-shift. Continue reading

Sunday, October 25, 2015 |

“slapping the bitch around to put her in her place”

Suppose we went out and found some old school missionary who wanted to insist on the missionary position for everybody. Without defending his views, I nevertheless guarantee that he would be mercilessly harangued as an oppressor of women, and a hazard to the public weal. However, comma, if that same man changed direction suddenly, lurching, shall we say, and started writing about fur-lined handcuffs, blindfolds, and slapping the bitch around to put her in her place, we could probably find a place for him on the New York Times best seller list. And if he got himself some bling and an over-sized white windbreaker, shot a few people, and put a seething hatred of women into metrical rhyme, we could probably get him an invite to an Obama fundraiser.
Douglas Wilson

“make her tits bigger”

Someone might say that these scenarios are not realistic, because nobody in those categories is (currently) demanding to be served. The Moonlight Bunny Ranch guy knows not to call the ad agencies that have that little fish on their web site. Right. But the issue is the principle. Suppose he did come into my little graphics shop, and I am being advised in the back room by Powers and Merritt. They are willing to show me the way Jesus would have done it, had He been a graphic designer. My customer thinks my first draft was okay, but he came back in because he wants me to “make her tits bigger.” That’s what draws most of their clientele, he explains. Wait, I say, because I have to do a quick consult on the back room — I fortunately happen to have a couple of experts back there. What, in the column they have written, would give me the right to go back out to my almost customer in order to tell him to put an egg in his shoe and beat it?
Douglas Wilson