Tagged “Blog & Mablog”

“Bottle Blondisity”

Next time you are in a grocery store check out line check out (no, I don’t mean check out) the partially dressed female on the cover of the nearest women’s magazine, the kind my kids call a day-old doughnut. Right, the one with the fake bake tan, the abs of a sixteen-year-old boy, the boobs of a wet nurse, and the knock-your-eye out bottle blondisity. The one who was assembled by an ironic and detached photo shop gay guy the same way your kids play with Mr. Potato Head. Oh, and she also has cancer, non-operable and, more to the point, non-photographable. We can therefore afford to overlook that part.
Douglas Wilson

The Fixated Pedophile

And His Fixated Pastor

Wolf Eyes Fixated

“To be really clear about this — I conducted the wedding and would do so again next week. So this is not one of those things where I wish I hadn’t done that.”Douglas Wilson Continue reading

Saturday, January 2, 2016 |

“Not That Simple”

Not That Simple

‘Bloom implies that all popular music “has the beat of sexual intercourse.” Taking exactly the same view, Steven Tyler of the hard rock band Aerosmith boasts: “It’s rhythm and blues, its twos and fours, it’s f***ing.” In general, neither friend nor foe acknowledges that the monotonous beat of hard rock (and, indeed, of much rap) is a travesty of the rich, tireless, complicated rhytms of Afro-American music at its best. All I can say to such people is, if the rhythms of good jazz, funk, blues, or gospel remind you of sexual intercourse, then — well, my hat’s off to you’ (Martha Bayles, Hole in our Soul, p. 11).
Douglas Wilson

Top Ten Posts of the Steven Sitler Archive

Russian Nuke

Nothing about Steven Sitler is worthy of celebration. But we want to note the top ten posts of the year in the Sitler Archive because these entries begin to tell the horrible story of the serial pedophile, which everyone on the Palouse and in the church should know. Continue reading

Wednesday, December 30, 2015 |

On Irony

A Corruption of Justice Primer

Braying Jackass

Mr. Wilson assures his readers that the CREC Review Committee intends to deliver the kind of justice that he and Mr. Booth advocated in their phony book. The irony, I am sure, is lost on him.

Continue reading

Monday, December 21, 2015 |

“I gave my sections to Randy for editing & blending”

I mentioned that I needed to state a few specifics. One of them is that after I gave my sections to Randy for editing and blending, I did not do anything more. I looked at the manuscript when it came in, but did not read through the whole book, left to right. I do not know that doing so would have changed anything, but it could have. This is an example of practical responsibility.
Douglas Wilson

“I want to take full responsibility for having my name on the cover of a book containing plagiarized sections”

Consequently, I want to take full responsibility for having my name on the cover of a book containing plagiarized sections, and where the contributions from the authors were undifferentiated. In such circumstances, when plagiarism is detected, the one who finds it has every right to look at the cover and decide right on the spot who is responsible. The names on the cover are the ones with the authorial responsibility, which is the primary responsibility according to contract, and the editorial imprint is the one with the publisher’s responsibility, also specified by contract. Further investigation might reveal where particular culpability lies, but the responsibility for the project flows (according to God’s design) to the names on the cover.
Douglas Wilson

The Indemnity Clause

Or else he wrote it for them

“Doug Wilson’s only fault was that he trusted his friend to be responsible and careful.” — Steve Wilkins “As best I can tell, all the problems are mine and not Doug’s.” — Randy Booth

Friday, December 11, 2015 |