“Mr. Sitler irresponsibly and recklessly brought this child — this innocent child — into this untenable situation”

This situation is entirely of Mr. Sitler’s creation. He and his wife and family were put on clear notice back in 2011 that were they to have a child, Mr. Sitler would be expected to leave the family home. And I go back to the transcript of that hearing, which I think the Court has been, umm, referenced to in the past and the Court’s own statements, and this one came from Probation — there was testimony from Probation & Parole, there was acknowledgement from Mr. Wullenwaber that the introduction of a child would have ramifications; ahh, there were State representations by myself — ummm — Mr. Sitler was advised,

“If and when Mr. Sitler and Miss Travis have children, we will cross that bridge when we get to it — or, if we need to address it sooner than that, I am happy to address it sooner than that. But I think it’s a reasonable restriction that he not reside with his wife and child, in the future, if in fact they have children.”

With that knowledge, with that expectation — these are going to be my words, my characterization, not the Department of Correction’s characterization — Mr. Sitler irresponsibly and recklessly brought this child — this innocent child — into this untenable situation. But for him to claim it’s somehow the State’s fault — that we have to solve his problem for him — is not appropriate. He knew what was coming, Judge. And once again, he wants it his way and he will complain until he gets it his way. So the State doesn’t have any sympathy for Mr. Sitler; we certainly have sympathy and concern for his child.

Latah County Prosecutor Bill Thompson (@33:46)

Monday, March 26, 2018 |

“He has multiple victims, all of them young — some so young that they would not be in any position to protect themselves.”

“You know, I can sympathize and appreciate the situation that Mr. Sitler’s parents find themselves in; that his wife finds herself in; that their family and friends and supporters find themselves in; because everybody would love for Mr. Sitler to become a normal person. The fact of the matter is, Your Honor, he is not. He is a serial child sexual abuser, to the point where Your Honor has imposed a life sentence and required that he be under supervision for the rest of his natural life.

He has multiple victims, all of them young — some so young that they would not be in any position to protect themselves. The risk to society is substantial here. The risk to his own child — despite the best wishes and hopes of everybody in this courtroom — is substantial. The actions that he has engaged in that he has disclosed to this point are a compelling basis that he cannot have anything close to a normal parental relationship with this child — certainly at this point in time.

I don’t say that lightly. I think the majority of the people in this room have children; they know how important it is to have a relationship with their own children — counsel, Your Honor, myself. But Mr. Sitler’s situation is unique. And as we stand here today, even though this is not a child-protection case by title, I think the most compelling, pressing issue is ensuring the protection of this child.”

Latah County Prosecutor Bill Thompson (@27:07)

Monday, March 26, 2018 |

“We now have disclosure that says there was physical contact that resulted in actual sexual stimulation — with his own child.”

“By contrast the information this Court now has before it by virtue of the laundry list of materials, reports, interviews — including the DVD of the actual interview and polygraph most recently with Mr. Sitler — shows that that’s not the case here. That we have a record for this Court to show that Mr. Sitler has engaged in physical contact with his child that has resulted in sexual stimulation on his part. That that was disclosed to his wife but not reported to Valley Treatment Specialties. It apparently was disclosed to Dr. Wilson although we don’t know exactly what Dr. Wilson understood to have been disclosed because Your Honor will remember when we were meeting last month on this the disclosure that we were dealing with at that point was merely a physical contact that resulted in a thought. We now have disclosure that says there was physical contact that resulted in actual sexual stimulation — with his own child.”
Latah County Prosecutor Bill Thompson (@24:24)

Monday, March 26, 2018 |

“a child who is defenseless”

“We can’t forget what the history is here: A diagnosed pedophile; multiple victims; probation for life; and he now has a child who is defenseless.” Latah County Prosecutor Bill Thompson (@52:02)

Monday, March 26, 2018 |