Thanks for hearing me out. Have to get back to my lucrative ministry now.
Douglas Wilson
The Kirk
“Clinton levels of corruption”
If you can justify Clinton levels of corruption, you can accomplish quite a bit. At least for a while.
Douglas Wilson
Nepotism: It’s a Papal Tradition
“Nepotism is favoritism granted to relatives. The term originated with the assignment of nephews to cardinal positions by Catholic popes and bishops.” — Wikipedia Continue reading
“some of you many have wondered about the League of the South, and what our connection to that organization actually is”
In the midst of our current controversy with our local intoleristas, some of you many have wondered about the League of the South, and what our connection to that organization actually is. Steve Wilkins, whom you know, has served as a director for the organization. When the group was first formed Steve told them a couple things that bear on our situation here. First, he said the group had to be explicitly Christian or he could not be associated with it. He also told them that it could not be racist in any way, and if anything like that showed up, he was out of there. Steve has recently resigned from their board of directors, but *not* because there was any problem with the conditions above. Rather, it was the result of changing priorities. Some of the thinking about those changing priorities might be made clearer through something I recently wrote on the subject, which I have included for you below. Just consider this free information, and if you can use it, great.
Douglas Wilson
A Fool and His Holy Day
“a little bragging is now safe, and perhaps it is even in order”
“The folly of fools is deceit.” — Proverbs 14:8 Continue reading
In case you missed it
The Serial Pastor Gives Counsel
“Do not be deceived: ‘Bad company corrupts good morals.’” — 1 Corinthians 15:33 Continue reading
Combox: “There can be no other end.”
As someone who’s experienced terrible abuse in life, it’s my opinion — and certainly not mine alone — that this man should not be lay counseling anyone, especially abuse survivors, nor should he be waxing philosophical on laws related to abuse. Why not? Among many reasons, because he’s shown himself to be incapable of truly deferring to or submitting to those (lawmakers, therapists, research psychologists, etc.) who have more knowledge or expertise than he does in this area.
Until recently, it seems to me that his condition has been one of veiled megalomania. Well, that veil seems to be finally lifting for many people (and not fast enough in my opinion).
To his church body, please hear this: without intervention, his condition, like a cancer, will absolutely ravage the body. It is destructive and it is terminal. There can be no other end.
a survivor
It’s Not You
It’s Him
And it’s not fog — it’s gas. He’s gaslighting you. Continue reading
Don’t waste time transferring your membership.
A serial pastor asks a convicted child abuser, who is also a convicted perjurer in the matter of his child abuse, if he had permission to abuse the child. The perjurer says, “Yes, the parents and I agreed to a secret courtship.” The serial pastor nods his head: “That’s what I thought.”
Now it’s your fault
Or you can leave. Continue reading
In the Matter of Serial Pedophile Steven Sitler
What the victims don’t know can’t hurt them
On December 23, 2015, the Court granted Steven Sitler permission to reestablish contact with some of his victims and their families, if these people so desire; and the Court also ordered that the parents of these victims do not have to inform their children — the victims — that Steven Sitler molested them as a precondition of reestablishing contact. Continue reading
Canon Press has identified the problem in their latest plagiarism scandal
Last week Canon Press did a Friday afternoon news dump to announce the findings of their investigation into Doug Wilson’s most recent plagiarism eruption in A Justice Primer. The anonymous investigators for Canon Press have identified the real culprit as . . . Continue reading