Steven Sitler

Team Sitler Motions Court for Fixated Pedophile to Live in Home With 1 ½ Year-Old Child

Steven Sitler Update


The primary goal of this plan appears to be an accommodation of Mr. Sitler’s whims, who apparently does not grasp the nature of his desperate condition. For if he understood his diagnosis, and if he loved his child, then he would be the first person to argue against his reintroduction into the home, in order to protect his son from himself. Continue reading

Sunday, August 14, 2016 |

“I believe that violent rape by a sexual predator should be answered by a tall tree and a short rope.”

Second, given what I said above, I believe that violent rape by a sexual predator should be answered by a tall tree and a short rope. But I don’t believe that the statutory rape of a seventeen-year-old girl by her nineteen-year-old boyfriend should be treated the same way. Sue me. In between those two extremes of rape are various other gradations of rape, and I am afraid to disappoint Ms. Moon, but I am not in favor of any of them. Who would have thought? I would want to punish them differently, but I would want to punish them all.
Douglas Wilson

@NatalieGfield #millstone

Saturday, April 9, 2016 |

“Men dream of being rapists”

But we cannot make gravity disappear just because we dislike it, and in the same way we find that our banished authority and submission comes back to us in pathological forms. This is what lies behind sexual ‘bondage and submission games,’ along with very common rape fantasies. Men dream of being rapists, and women find themselves wistfully reading novels in which someone ravishes the ‘soon to be made willing’ heroine. Those who deny they have any need for water at all will soon find themselves lusting after polluted water, but water nonetheless.
Douglas Wilson

This Tweet Might Look Unbelievable

But It’s True


If you plan to send your daughter to New St. Andrews College, then you should know that two key administrators for NSA, including Pastor Douglas Wilson of Christ Church, Moscow, arranged the marriage of a serial pedophile to a 23-year-old . . . Continue reading

Friday, February 19, 2016 |

“Feminist Rape Constructs”

Of course, I hasten to break satiric voice here because we live in a time when satire has become virtually impossible. Someone might think that I am the one urging that we go easy on rapists, when it is I who want to deal with rapists with actual biblical justice. It is feminism that is laying all the intellectual — heh, so to speak — groundwork for a robust defense of both rape and rapists.
Douglas Wilson

Protection & Propriety

Statistically, if you attend Christ Church and particularly if you board Wilson’s seminary or college students, your children have a high-ish likelihood of being molested or otherwise preyed on by adult men in completely inappropriate ways. Wilson knows this is . . . Continue reading

Monday, February 15, 2016 |

“victims . . . victims . . . victims”

When you have a situation like this, the court system has a policy of keeping victims’ names out of public knowledge to protect the names and reputations of victims. I would have announced the situation, if it was just Steven and no victims. . . . My interest is in keeping victims and their families protected.
Douglas Wilson