Steven Sitler

“Those Cowed Already Will Continue to Be”

Comes now some academic bloviation to help us all through whatever remaining prejudices we might have had about the molestation of children (HT: Baylyblog & Frank Turk). At issue is the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), which is still, even in these postmodern times, filled with hatred and outmoded forms of discriminatory malice. It appears that pedophilia and hebephilia are still listed as disorders, and boy, do we have some work to do! You know, addressing all that hatred.

For those just joining us, the days are coming when the only entry left in the DSM will be the then outlawed practice of intercourse in the missionary position by a heterosexual married couple.
Douglas Wilson

“Violent rape is a judgment of God upon a people”

Violent rape is a judgment of God upon a people. . . Violent rape is God’s judgment upon a culture, and individual women who are part of that culture are included in the judgment. . . . We see the same judgment at work in disintegrating cultures: ‘Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil’ (Eccl. 8:11). Here the rape is not being perpetrated by foreign soldiers, but is the result of citizens turning on one another. Every culture is a gathering of sinners, and so rape is always a possibility. But when God’s hand of judgment is heavy upon a people, women are in far greater danger of sexual assault than at other times. It is interesting to note that in these, our ‘enlightened’ times, a woman is far more likely to be abused in this way than before all the liberation happened. Douglas Wilson

“Constitutional Ban on Gay Marriage”

Check one of the sentences above. And if someone else wants to check the other one, and you challenge him, and he says, ‘Says who?’ a decent respect for those who know how to follow an argument should require that you answer the question. Imagine there’s no heaven. Its easy if you try. It sure is — above the killing fields of Cambodia, above German concentration camps, above the abortion clinics, above the Stalinist famine in Georgia, above the Aztec pyramids covered in human blood, above the bedroom of a nine-year-old girl being molested by her mother’s boy friend — only sky.
Douglas Wilson

“of course it is rape”

So do I believe that if some girl goes to a frat party with a hardened resolve to drink way too much, with a t-shirt on that says ‘No Means No,’ but after three beers she takes that shirt off because all the boys wanted her to, and then the next thing she knows she wakes up in the morning having been raped . . . do I somehow believe that is not rape? No, of course it is rape. It is the rape of a dope, but it is still a rape. Should the man or men involved be punished? Of course they should, however unlikely it is that they will be in this life. But they will be dealt with at some point. God is not mocked.
Douglas Wilson