Boxing Day Haiku
@KirkCEO You almost did Haiku. I fixed it:
Moscow is Heaven;
I know you’re going to Hell;
Randy Booth did it.
— TheTruthAboutMoscow (@MoscowIdahoUSA) December 26, 2015
@KirkCEO You almost did Haiku. I fixed it:
Moscow is Heaven;
I know you’re going to Hell;
Randy Booth did it.
— TheTruthAboutMoscow (@MoscowIdahoUSA) December 26, 2015
Doug Wilson’s Failure to Safeguard Children
— Michael Reagan (@ReaganWorld) September 14, 2015
Doug Wilson has been caught in a second plagiarism scandal. Something very seriously wrong with that guy:
— Rod Dreher (@roddreher) December 10, 2015
@MoscowIdahoUSA for Wilson, it’s all about sex. Even when it’s not about sex, it’s all about sex.
— Rachel (@mediaeval97) November 30, 2015
@mrsndw Train signal only says “thing B is going to happen.” DW said “IF you do thing A, THEN B is going to happen.” The latter is a threat.
— Xian Atty (@XianAtty) November 27, 2015
@douglaswils Because you’re a pervy old man with pervy innuendo and an army of people who are brainwashed to believe everything you say.
— kerri blackman (@kerriblackman) November 25, 2015
@douglaswils anyone outside your sphere can see what you are trying to do and it looks desperate. And mean, And backward.
— kerri blackman (@kerriblackman) November 25, 2015
In the Kirk, not only are we winning the culture wars, we’re covering up our own peccadillos, like my investigator’s son’s drug dealing.
— Not Doug Wilson (@KirkCEO) November 4, 2015
“Malignant narcissism is characterized by an unsubmitted will.” -Scott Peck
— Peter Leithart (@PLeithart) November 13, 2015
Doug Wilson being the face of free speech is like Bill Cosby being the face of family values. #freespeechapocalypse
— Sarah Roorda (@SarieAnneR) November 3, 2015
Take a shot of Laphroaig if a Wilson calls someone bitter. U’ll be drunk by lunch and dead by dinner. #justkirkerthings
— grendel (@DreadGrendel) October 30, 2015
It’s so hard to protect rape victims. I usually start by writing letters to judges urging leniency for their abusers.
— Not Doug Wilson (@KirkCEO) October 22, 2015
Is your pastor bold enough to insult as many people in the name of Christ as I do every day? I bet not.
— Not Doug Wilson (@KirkCEO) October 22, 2015
I’m trying to take over Moscow, ID for Christ by mocking the victims of rapists in my church & seminary.
— Not Doug Wilson (@KirkCEO) October 20, 2015
@NatalieGfield A negative × a negative = a positive. Being denied communion by a non-church is a divine RESCUE (sorry it hurt, though).
— Jeff Hutchinson (@jdhutch64) October 14, 2015
There is never a reason for a pastor to be alone with a female asking about details of her sexual behavior. Never.
— Boz Tchividjian (@BozT) October 14, 2015