Anytime a sex offender advocates for a reduction of restrictions, it is not a good sign.
— Boz Tchividjian (@BozT) October 11, 2017
Anytime a sex offender advocates for a reduction of restrictions, it is not a good sign.
— Boz Tchividjian (@BozT) October 11, 2017
She gets it:
Toleration of sin, pretense, disease, crookedness or deviation from the truth means the system is in fact not the work of God.
— Diane Langberg, PhD (@DianeLangberg) October 10, 2017
Institutions that ignore, minimize, or rationalize leaders who use power to wound others are no less responsible for the wounds inflicted.
— Boz Tchividjian (@BozT) October 5, 2017
Any leader or person with power who does not bend down and bestow dignity is using the power God has given to serve themselves.
— Diane Langberg, PhD (@DianeLangberg) September 28, 2017
Words, position and knowledge are three very common tools used to spiritually abuse another.
— Diane Langberg, PhD (@DianeLangberg) September 28, 2017
Thanks to the CREC presiding ministers for taking on a thankless task — http://t.co/gsASTVkK6x
— Douglas Wilson (@douglaswils) October 5, 2015
He spots a manipulator from a mile:
“Spiritual abuse isn’t a zealous devotion to a sacred text, but an exploitation of the text to control others.” @ashleymeaster
— Boz Tchividjian (@BozT) September 4, 2017
A safe church is where the abused is encouraged and assisted to leave the abuser being assured that is what God wants them to do.
— Boz Tchividjian (@BozT) September 2, 2017
Safe churches are where abusers are reported and held responsible regardless of who they are.
— Boz Tchividjian (@BozT) September 2, 2017
If the notoriety, power, or influence of a Christian leader keeps you silent about suspected misconduct, please seek outside assistance.
— Boz Tchividjian (@BozT) August 9, 2017
“It is usually futile to try to talk facts and analysis to people who are enjoying a sense of moral superiority in their ignorance.”
— Thomas Sowell (@ThomasSowell) August 3, 2017
Rape is a criminal act for which the rapist alone is responsible. This is well settled law.
— Boz Tchividjian (@BozT) July 5, 2017
On this day in history Robert E. Lee lost the Battle of Gettysburg and with it any hope of victory in the American Civil War. General Lee commanded 15,000 Confederates against 6,500 Union soldiers, and with this numerical advantage Lee demonstrated his superior tactical skills (by Southern standards) by sending thousands of Confederates to certain death in Pickett’s Charge. Union artillery batteries shredded Rebels for lunch that day. The Southern Presbyterians never had a prayer. Robert E. Lee lost the war on July 3, 1863, but he refused to surrender for 19 months.
Dr. Anthony Bradley tweeted this today:
I’m so glad the South lost and that the Bradley slave plantation in Escambia County, AL was dissolved as a result!! Thanks Yankees!!! https://t.co/ODcbyqjNGr
— Anthony Bradley (@drantbradley) July 3, 2017
Today MoscowID.net rejoices with Dr. Bradley.
“When plunder becomes a way of life..men.. create for themselves…a moral code that glorifies it.” Frederic Bastiat (Happy 216th!)
— Amity Shlaes (@AmityShlaes) June 30, 2017