In the midst of our current controversy with our local intoleristas, some of you many have wondered about the League of the South, and what our connection to that organization actually is. Steve Wilkins, whom you know, has served as a director for the organization. When the group was first formed Steve told them a couple things that bear on our situation here. First, he said the group had to be explicitly Christian or he could not be associated with it. He also told them that it could not be racist in any way, and if anything like that showed up, he was out of there. Steve has recently resigned from their board of directors, but *not* because there was any problem with the conditions above. Rather, it was the result of changing priorities. Some of the thinking about those changing priorities might be made clearer through something I recently wrote on the subject, which I have included for you below. Just consider this free information, and if you can use it, great.
Douglas Wilson
“I do admit that there are times when I crack myself up”
This brings us to those instances where I deliberately set up the accusers, making a point of doing what I know they are demanding we all stop doing. For example, in the comments of Thabiti’s last post, one person pointed out that I use the word sodomite from time to time. “I can imagine a glee, sitting at desk, typing, and thinking, ‘Watch this! Watch how the ‘libs’ blow up over this one. . .’” Now I do admit that there are times when I crack myself up — as for example if I were to write about Anglican sodomites processing up the central aisle in their sodomitres. At the same time, I take no glee in being a ‘bad boy.’ I am in deadly earnest.
Douglas Wilson
“honestly and with full integrity”
Any genuine citation problems that Veritas Press confirms will be dealt with honestly and with full integrity.
Douglas Wilson
“blame someone else”
We have been looking at self-control as the foundation of all civic and political liberty. Living as we do in a time when such liberty is eroding at alarming rates, we need to make sure that when we run our spiritual inventories we do not do what sinners always love to do, which is to blame someone else.
Douglas Wilson
@KirkCEO: #GreyfriarsHall
Well, and then there are the Greyfriars who get arrested for DUI. I’ve bailed them out a bunch, too. #GreyfriarsHall
— Not Doug Wilson (@KirkCEO) March 26, 2015
And the attempted strangulation guy. So I guess I go to prison a lot. But it’s not like I’m, you know, IN prison.
— Not Doug Wilson (@KirkCEO) March 26, 2015
#randomthought If you can get laid in a prison cell, is it still considered penetrating, conquering, colonizing, and planting?
— Not Doug Wilson (@KirkCEO) March 26, 2015
It had better not be receiving, surrendering, accepting; that’s for damn sure.
— Not Doug Wilson (@KirkCEO) March 26, 2015
See “you can get high and get laid in a 6′ × 8′ prison cell” & “A man penetrates, conquers, colonizes, plants. A woman receives, surrenders, accepts.”
From the combox on Blog & Mablog
I added the hyperlink in the word “mangina” because, having never heard it, I made the mistake of looking it up. Apart from that, the text is original. Here’s the original source:
jeers1215 says:
Monday, January 19, 2015 at 4:13 pmI can just hear the gynocentric delusions starting to melt. You can’t imagine what it’s like to be a man. No one’s asking you. Regardless of what your supplicating mangina tells you, he is alone with you. And you will never be able to understand or satisfy his desires in the way that he is apparently bending over backwards to do for you. Pastor Wilson is presenting some brave truths here, painful truths that most poor idiots are going to miss. Romance is a story we tell ourselves, but it doesn’t move the gears. Your happy little home was bought at the price of a man’s freedom.
Pastor Wilson is offering the true pretense of marriage, finally with the fraudulent language of idealism stripped away. If a man marries without being convinced of these things, he enslaves himself to a falsehood. This is the world that men must live in and no other.
“It is not necessary to take someone aside privately after they have just done something publicly.”
This is as good a place as any to make note of the fact that public controversy is not bound by the rules of confrontation laid out for us in Matthew 18. When Peter sinned at Antioch, Paul rebuked him publicly, face to face (Gal. 2:11), and he did this on the spot. It is not necessary to take someone aside privately after they have just done something publicly. I do not know how many times I have been asked about this. Let’s say I have written critically of a recently published book — ‘Did you contact Tony Campolo privately before you wrote the book review?’
Douglas Wilson
“a certain kind of mind”
This is an obvious point, but a certain kind of mind still misses it. This is because a certain kind of mind couldn’t hit a bull on the ass with a banjo.
Douglas Wilson
Memo to the CREC from KirkCEO
“a fundamental condition of cluelessness”
Pastors who voted for Obama should resign. Pastors who wed pedophiles should be the heads of their denominations.
— Not Doug Wilson (@KirkCEO) June 6, 2016
See Doug Wilson Says Ministers Who Voted for Obama Should Resign
“the importance of breaking some arms”
We learn here the importance of breaking some arms. Are there no arms today which need breaking? Is there no insolence in our halls of justice? Are there no enthroned criminals who make life wretched for the humble of the earth? And is it not true that our authorities refuse to heed what God has told them to do?
Douglas Wilson
“for anyone familiar with . . . the footnotes in our books”
Allow me to clear my throat and modestly nod at the Omnibus curriculum, which takes students through six massive volumes of hundreds of ancient, medieval and modern books and plays — Scripture, Shakespeare, Chaucer, Homer, Herodotus, Plutarch, Euclid, Plato, Aristotle, Virgil, Thucy . . . oh, never mind. . . . In short, for anyone familiar with the topics at ACCS conferences, the footnotes in our books, and the curricula in our schools, Michael appears to be a perpilocutionist.
Douglas Wilson
“two ways to measure a man”
There are two ways to measure a man by his footnotes and bibliography. One is to measure his footnotes and bibliography. The other is to measure how many footnotes and bibliographies he is likely to wind up in.
Douglas Wilson
@KirkCEO with a reminder to @rachelheldevans
Don’t worry, @rachelheldevans. The snotty stuff I’ve said about you wasn’t plagiarized.
— Not Doug Wilson (@KirkCEO) May 5, 2016