But when we are dealing with young children who are abused by adults (pederasty, child porn, etc.) the penalty for those guilty of the crime should be death.Douglas Wilson
“finally just give up, as Jack did”
In our sin, we sometimes rebel in open defiance and shake a fist at Heaven, or in our confusion and sin, we can also collapse and finally just give up, as Jack did. Douglas Wilson
“. . . the last thing that went through his head, other than that bullet. . .”
“I’d like to think that the last thing that went through his head, other than that bullet, was to wonder how the hell Andy Dufresne ever got the best of him.” “Red,” The Shawshank Redemption
“When people show you who they are, believe them the first time.” —Maya Angelou
“as he thinketh in his heart, so is he” —Proverbs 23:7
Sexual abuse: any form of forced or unwanted sexual activity, including taking advantage of someone who can’t give consent (15yr olds). The perpetrator may use physical force (gun), make threats (threatening arrest), or use their position of authority.https://t.co/70sqieIUfx
— Emilie Dye (@Emilie_Dye) December 2, 2019
“just a couple of cunts”
So let me tell you what this symbolism really means. This is what they are saying. They are shamelessly declaring to the world that they are just a couple of cunts. Douglas Wilson
“A lock that opens to a hundred keys can only claim to be pretty much worthless”
But here are some different examples. This one is taken from the world, not from Scripture, but we can learn something about the world from it. Why, if a woman sleeps with a hundred men, is she slut-shamed, but if a man sleeps with a hundred women, he can get away with bragging about his “conquests”? Well, consider this factor. A key that opens a hundred locks can claim to be a master key. A lock that opens to a hundred keys can only claim to be pretty much worthless. And lest you think that I am somehow “approving” of the man in this instance, I actually include him among the fornicators who will not inherit the kingdom of heaven (1 Cor. 6:9). The point is not that his sin is praiseworthy and the immoral woman’s is not, but rather that their sins are radically different because they are radically different. But to say they are radically different is not to say one is blameworthy and the other not. He is a scoundrel, and she is a tramp — let us not praise either one, but let us not confuse them either.
Douglas Wilson
Biblical Justice from your kind caused a pedophile to walk free and a sexual predator to terrorize his victim for years. We have the receipts.
— #ChromeDome State Fan (@TheRealJoRo) July 17, 2018
“The Essence of Tyranny”

Absolute power. Continue reading
@ Rachael Denhollander
It is NOT AN APOLOGY if you can’t identify what was done wrong and the consequences that resulted. Stop saying you are “sorry it happened”. Apologize for what your people did that LET IT happen. With specificity. MSU. USAG. USOC. #Churchtoo.https://t.co/iTietyTeHH
— Rachael Denhollander (@R_Denhollander) May 25, 2018
“These men know (and can prove) that Mr. Jones, from his place of work, accessed a website”
These men know (and can prove) that Mr. Jones, from his place of work, accessed a website (let us call it Bikini Bimbos.com), and was on that web site for 45 seconds. And so the data wonk says, “J’accuse.” Left out is the fact that he did so because Mrs. Jones, having just caught their Billy on the same site at their home computer, called her husband, and asked him to see how bad it was. Or contrariwise, remembering the condition our world is in, Mr. Jones might have just been sinning.
Douglas Wilson
Diane Langberg, PhD
When working with any Christian leader who has abused power restoration should not be the goal or even on the table. The long, hard work of life-changing repentance is what matters.
— Diane Langberg, PhD (@DianeLangberg) April 13, 2018
True repentance means being more concerned for the offended one rather than the self.
— Diane Langberg, PhD (@DianeLangberg) May 11, 2018
Proverbs 10:7
“The name of the wicked shall rot.” Proverbs 10:7