Moscow-Pullman Daily News: “Second singing event ends with no citations or arrests”
Mayor Lambert of the City of Moscow took away Doug Wilson’s cause. Continue reading
Mayor Lambert of the City of Moscow took away Doug Wilson’s cause. Continue reading
“In general, you mask-resisters, why are you so exercised about this issue? Don’t you think your children might benefit from role models who speak out publicly against something of more consequence than temporarily hidden smiles on our neighbors’ faces? How about you teach them, instead, to fear autocrats, local and national, who flout laws, courtesy and common sense? Instilling that kind of healthy fear would be likely to produce a leader I’d be willing to follow.” —Gary Williams Continue reading
“Likewise, Lewiston’s city department heads standing together in defense of excellent city manager Alan Nygaard is a profile in courage given the organized bullying they have faced from faux libertarians, professional noisemakers and Bundy-wannabes, for whom government is the enemy, specifically when protecting civil rights, public health and the environment, or otherwise promoting the public good.” —Chris Norden Continue reading
“In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes.” —Andy Warhol Continue reading
They omitted the word “development.” Continue reading
“I wonder if the church leaders were taken to court because of having such a large gathering during a pandemic the judge might say one needs to use ‘common sense’ because the virus can be spread easily in crowds.” — Jim Kuska Continue reading
“If Jesus were walking our streets today, do you think he would wear a mask in public? Would you see Jesus arguing over his civil rights? Would he insult or make fun of those who were frightened for their lives? Or, would Jesus discount the counsel of medical experts? Think of it, friends: The Jesus we preach was willing to experience humiliation, suffering, and death to save the people he loved. It seems to me, if Jesus would die on a cross for us, he would wear a mask for us.” Continue reading
“People have a right to pray, and go to church, just as you have the right to sit on the toilet. It’s all a bunch of crap.” —Sandra Weeks Continue reading
Holli Cooper slays me. Continue reading
“I, too, was horrified to see the overflowing parking lot at the Nazarene Church on Aug. 15. I now know that it was a Christ Church event.” —Tora Stone Continue reading
Reading a kirker letter is like watching MLB on TV — empty cardboard cutouts surrounded by piped in crowd noise. These be soulless NPCs that have no meaning but to create the illusion of a Potemkin village. Continue reading
“Christ Church is once again smugly thumbing its nose at decent Moscow residents and this time literally endangering our lives. My anger extends to the Nazarene church as well. I was unaware that they had an affinity for the extreme fundamentalism of Christ Church, or perhaps the money offered was just too good to pass up. I, for one, never patronize the businesses of Christ Church members. I call on every decent resident of Moscow to do the same.” —Holli Cooper Continue reading