“If a person is a habitual liar, his conscience is seared and calloused. It doesn’t work if he tells a lie.”
Jim Wilson
Moscow-Pullman Daily News Letter to the Editor
“Carl believes that true government protects the most innocent.” Continue reading
“Carl believes that true government protects the most innocent.” Continue reading
Textbook Kirk: Say one thing, do another — and when called to account, lie, mislead, obfuscate. Continue reading
Another member of the community bears witness to Doug Wilson’s lasting cultural legacy. Continue reading
“If a person is a habitual liar, his conscience is seared and calloused. It doesn’t work if he tells a lie.”
Jim Wilson
“The facts are known to the Daily News, since it covered the original abuse story. These facts can be twisted and obfuscated, as the perpetrator’s defender/pastor does very well, but knowing the facts, the paper has an obligation to help bring clarity to the issues.” Continue reading
“Moreover he must have good testimony from them that are without; lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil.” — 1 Timothy 3:7 Continue reading
In which concern for an “ethical & professional obligation” vexes the Serial Pastor. Continue reading
“but then we have never considered Wilson connected to the real world” Continue reading
The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Continue reading