Moscow-Pullman Daily News: “Renovation of historic building continues”

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Renovation of historic building continues

Moscow-Pullman Daily News: Renovation of historic building continuesCo-owner says part of the Moscow structure could go public this year
By Anthony Kuipers

The co-owner of the historic Davids’ Building on Third and Main streets in Moscow said he is pleased with how the renovations are going.

Aaron Rench said he is working on a timeline for the construction, but said it is going to happen in phases.

He hopes to have part of the building “active” by the end of this year.

“We’re really looking forward to getting it back to an active building in the community because it’s been kind of a ghost-town building for a long time,” he said.

Rench, Andrew Crapuchettes and Nate Wilson bought the historic downtown building in December 2021. The building previously housed Champions Bar and Grill.

He said crews are renovating the entire building.

“We’re really pleased with how the work’s going,” he said. “I’m excited to get this project done.”

Rench was not ready to provide details about what kind of establishment will be housed in the building, but he did say it will be a place for “congregating and community.”

He applied for a retail alcohol beverage license and met with the Latah County Commissioners on Tuesday to discuss it. Rench said that according to state rules, the license cannot yet be granted for a building that is still under construction. It can be granted for another building temporarily, which is why the license is granted to a building on 207 North Main St.

Once the Davids’ Building is renovated, the license will apply there.

Kuipers can be reached at akuipers [at]

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