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Uncaring and risky
So now we know. A good number of “Moscow” anti-mask protesters were out-of-towners, which means they should have no influence on Moscow residents’ coronavirus response. Some came here from high-case-count counties. So how many carried COVID-19 to Christ Church’s unmasked, tightly crowded events . . . and into our community?
I say thanks to Moscow’s city councilors and mayor for their responsible decision to require masks in public whenever social distancing isn’t possible. The vast majority of Moscow residents, including members of other Christian churches, are caring enough about the welfare of others to respect the mandate and wear masks. The Ten Commandments don’t say “Fight for Liberty” or “Don’t Tread on Me.”
However, the commandments do include the second of what are known as the greatest commandments: “. . . love thy neighbor.” Christ Church members and their far-right-wing buddies from elsewhere need to start chanting that commandment — visibly, by wearing masks.
Meantime, the rest of us will have to try to keep our distance from likely participants in past and future super-spreader Christ Church events; that is, from the most uncaring and riskiest people in town to be around.
Borg Hendrickson
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Yeah, I’d stick to criticizing them on the pedophile issue. Masks are idiotic and anyone who’s done some cursory investigation on the issue would know that.