Moscow-Pullman Daily News Letter to the Editor: “Doesn’t know the job”

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Doesn’t know the job

Moscow-Pullman Daily News, Letter to the Editor, October 3, 2020, page 5, “Doesn’t know the job”

After the recent events caused by disaster artist and county commissioner hopeful Gabriel Rench, my 15-year-old year daughter asked if Moscow was going to be “safe.” The answer, “probably,” is not an answer I ever want to resort to when comforting my child about our small community.

In the Sept. 25 issue of the Daily News, Richard Walser (R, Viola) states, “In his campaign literature Rench implies that the commissioners for a number of years have raised taxes unnecessarily. Implied or otherwise this is not the case. On the issue of property taxes, I suspect Rench is confusing property assessments with property taxes. They aren’t the same. I personally think property taxes are an unfair and outdated form of taxation. This problem, however, is only one the state legislature can fix.” We would like a county commissioner that actually knows what he is doing.

Douglas Wilson, Rench’s pastor at Christ Church and general “handler” has recently been making noise that there should be a referendum on the extension of the mask mandate. At this point one feels a bit like the child in “The Boy Who Held Back the Sea.” We have thus far been spared the ravages of C-19. Let’s keep it that way.

In conclusion: Latah County friends, I would urge you to go take a gander at Tom Lamar’s campaign page. He’s been doing this since 2015, and understands the nuts and bolts of the job. Gabe Rench, on the other hand, is too busy campaigning in Troy bars without a mask, getting himself arrested and reliving his 15 minutes of fame to even bother trying to understand what a county commissioner does. Vote Lamar.

Dana Banks

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