Moscow-Pullman Daily News Letter to the Editor: “All in this together”

“All in this together” — The members of Christ Church do not see it this way. Their community is all that matters. And when members start dying (which is inevitable), it will be Douglas Wilson is all that matters. Everyone else can pound sand.

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All in this together

Moscow-Pullman Daily News, October 2, 2020, page 5, Letter to the Editor, “All in this together”I have lived in Moscow for 60 years and am proud that we are respected and admired for being welcoming, compassionate and caring. But now I am receiving messages from family and former residents asking, “What is going on there?” “What has happened to this amazing town?”

And I wonder the same thing. During this pandemic, people of many beliefs have come together and acted in solidarity to feed the hungry, help the elderly and ensure healthy practices for all. This is still the majority intent and wish in our treasured community.

However, now we see with sadness that Doug Wilson, Gabriel Rench and Christ Church leaders have convinced their followers that they cannot worship if they are wearing masks; that bringing weapons to a protest does not threaten the safety and well-being of our community; and that they have God-given and Constitutional rights to chance spreading disease to others. I still hope that these protestors will wake up and realize that we are all in this together, and that the minor inconvenience of wearing masks and social distancing in public help safeguard everyone’s health.

For the rest of us, we need to register and vote for candidates who respect the law and will work for our best interest in this and other matters.

Vote for trustworthy Tom Lamar for county commissioner and against Gabriel Rench, who opposes efforts to protect community health and safety.

Vote for Dave Nelson for state senator, who has won wide trust and respect for his careful listening and wise thinking.

Vote for Dulce Kersting-Lark, and Renee Love for state representatives, public-spirited citizens with fresh ideas who will work to improve our quality of life and protect the future of our community and country. Indeed, we are all in this together.

Joann Muneta

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